Layout Customization for Key Q2 Loan Servicing Features
Layout Customization for Key Q2 Loan Servicing Features
CL Loan 1.200x, Nebula Release
- CL Loan 1.200x, Nebula Release
- Actual Days 366
- Loan boarded by a bank and bought back by the lender
- Configurable billing cycle
- Block codes at contract level
CL Loan 2.3007, Vela release
- CL Loan 2.3007, Vela release
- Investor interest payout calculation method
- Fee as % of IO purchase price
- Collect service fee on principal remaining
- Monthly compounding of interest
CL Loan 2.2008.4, Ara release
CL Loan 2.1008, Star release
- CL Loan 2.1008, Star release
- Equated principal
- Interest Capitalization
- Configuring service fee strategy for calculating fee on investment order
- Configuring investor tax based on the loan products
CL Loan 2.5008, Lynx release
- CL Loan 2.5008, Lynx release
- Payment schedule revision during business holidays
- Accrual entry
- Rounding method
- Apply prepaid fee on each disbursal