Chart of Accounts
A COA (Chart of Accounts) is a list of accounts that a company identifies for recording transactions in its General Ledger. A company has the flexibility to customize its chart of accounts as well as adding accounts when needed. The purpose of COA is to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets, and liabilities to maintain the company's financial health. COA is replicated automatically during branch creation.
Chart of Accounts contains the GLs of the following types:
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Income
- Expenses
Viewing chart of accounts
The following is the prerequisite for viewing the chart of accounts:
CL Product is set up
Perform the following steps to view the chart of accounts:
Login to your Salesforce account.
Click Accounting.
Go to Accounts.
Click View Chart of Accounts.
The List of Accounts page appears with the chart of accounts.
Select an Account Name to view the GL Account Details section. Click Edit to edit the details, if required.