Add a picklist value
This section explains the steps to add a picklist value.
Add CL-Loan picklist value
To use the new Automated Consolidated Payment functionality, ensure that the CL-Loan picklist value has been added in the Contract Management System field of the Payment Spread Detail object.
To add this picklist value, do the following:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Setup > Setup > Object Manager.
In the Quick Find box, search for Payment Spread Detail, and then select Payment Spread Detail (clcommon__Payment_Spread_Detail__c) object.
Go to Fields & Relationships.
In the Quick Find box, search for Contract Management System, and then select it.
On the Contract Management System page, scroll down to Values section, and then select New.
On the Add Picklist Values Contract Management System page, in the text box, enter the following value and then select Save: