User-Based Access to Tabs
With the Platinum release, you can now see or use the tabs on the contract page only if you have the necessary permissions to see or use it.
Each tab on the contract page corresponds to a single object. In every tab object, there is a new field added called Tab Visibility. Depending on the READ access to this field, the tab is either visible or hidden. Thus the Tab Visibility field is added to objects to control the visibility of the tabs on the CL Contract page based on the permissions set of the user who is using it.
What are the APIs that can be used to check the user-based access permissions?
The following APIs can be used to check the user-based access permissions:
This global method validates if a user has access to view a tab.
It takes the following as input parameters:
The object type whose tab you are checking.
The API name of the field for the corresponding tab.
The user-friendly name of the tab.
It returns the Result object with hasAuthorization and exceptionMessage set.
For more information, see the SecureUIAndInvocation section in the Q2 Loan Servicing Global Methods guide.
Tabs and their Corresponding Objects that are Modified for Visibility Control
The following is a list of the tabs and their respective objects that have the new field, Tab Visibility, in them:
Tabs on the Contract Page | Corresponding Object in which the New Field is Added |
contractDetailsTab | Loan_Account__c |
coBorrowerTab | Coborrower__c |
contractPrePaidFeeTab | Contract_Pre_Paid_Fee__c |
refinanceTransactionTab | Refinance_Transaction__c |
disbursementScheduleTab | Disbursement_Schedule__c |
payoffQuoteTab | Payoff_Quote__c |
automatedPaymentTab | Automated_Payment_Setup__c |
contractConditionTab | Contract_Condition__c |
periodicFeeTab | Periodic_Fee_Setup__c |
depositTab | clcommon__Deposit__c |
repaymentScheduleSummaryTab | Repayment_Schedule_Summary__c |
balanceTab | Balance__c |
forecastStreamsTab | Forecast_Streams__c |
consolidatedForecastTab | Consolidated_Forecast_Stream__c |
frozenFeesTab | Frozen_Fees_Config__c |
rateScheduleTab | Multi_Step_Loan_Setup__c |
repaymentPlanTab | clcommon__Repayment_Plan__c |
disbursementPlanTab | clcommon__Disbursement_Plan__c |
accrualStreamConfigTab | Accrual_Stream_Config__c |
holidayScheduleTab | clcommon__Holiday_Schedule__c |
stepUpScheduleTab | clcommon__StepUp_Schedule__c |
slidingBillingRangeTab | clcommon__Sliding_Billing_Range__c |
interestComponentTab | clcommon__Interest_Component__c |
loanCollateralTab | Loan_Collateral__c |
loanDisbursalTab | Loan_Disbursal_Transaction__c |
chargesTab | Charge__c |
loanPaymentTab | Loan_Payment_Transaction__c |
interestPostingTab | Interest_Posting_Transaction__c |
otherLoanTransactionTab | Other_Transaction__c |
dueDetailsTab | Loan_account_Due_Details__c |
accrualEntriesTab | Accrual_Entry__c |
amortizationBalanceTab | loan_amortize_balances__c |
brokerTab | Broker__c |
yodleeTransactionTab | ints__Yodlee_Transaction__c |
investmentOrderTab | Investor_Loan__c |
loanBlockCodeTab | Loan_Block_Code__c |
collateralLienTab | clcommon__CollateralLien__c |
protectClaimTab | Protect_Claim__c |
For more information on each object, see the Q2 Loan Servicing Data Dictionary.
This web service checks if the permissions are granted for the features. It takes a comma-separated list of feature names as input and returns JSON representation of feature name to permission result map.
For more information, see the SecureUIAndInvocationWebService section in the Q2 Loan Servicing Global Methods guide.
Update the User-Based Access to Tabs
Before updating the user-based access to tabs, ensure that the following prerequisite is met:
Restrict Actions Based On Permissions flag is enabled in Setup > Custom Setting > User Access Setting.
Note:For more information, see the Salesforce Setup > User Access Setting section of the Q2 Loan Servicing Administration Guide.
You can update the user-based access permissions in the following two ways:
Update the Permissions by Updating the Object Settings of Tab in the Profile.
Update the permissions by updating the Permission Sets and then assigning the user to it.
Update the Permissions by Updating the Object Settings of Tab in the Profile
To update the permissions of the Profile:
Go to (Setup) > Setup.
In the Quick Find box, search for Profile, and then click it.
Click the required profile, such as System Administrator.
Click Object Settings.
Search for the required object for the tab, for example, Brokers, and then click it.
Click Edit.
Scroll down and Search for Tab Visibility and clear the Read Access checkbox corresponding to the Field Name, Tab Visibility.
Note:By default, this checkbox is selected.
Click Save.
This disables the visibility of the Broker tab in the CL Contract page of the user.
Update the permissions by updating the Permission Sets and then assigning the user to it
If the required user is to be given access to a certain functionality only, then all the UI elements of only that particular functionality need to be enabled for the user. To do this:
Step 1: Create a Permission Set.
Step 2: Update the Object Settings of the created Permission Set.
Step 3: Assign the user to the Permission Set.
Step 1: Create a Permission Set
To create a Permission Set:
Log in to your Salesforce Account.
Go to (Setup) > Setup.
In the Quick Find box, search for Permission Sets and then click it.
Click New.
Provide the details as described in the following table, and then click Save:
Note:You can refer to the Create New Permission Set image as an example.
Field Action and Description Label Provide a label name for the object to correctly identify the function of the permission set to be created. This field is mandatory. API Name This field gets updated automatically, but you can update it too.
Note:This is a unique name used by the API. This name must begin with a letter and use only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It can't include spaces, end with an underscore, or have two consecutive underscores.
Description Provide a description to explain the usage of this permission set.
Step 2: Update the Object Settings of the created Permission Set
Click Object Settings.
Click the Object Name, for example, Disbursement Plans.
Note:You can click any object name one after the other to include it in this Permission Set.
Click Edit.
Scroll Down and search for the Tab Visibility field, and then clear the checkboxes Read Access and Edit Access corresponding to this field.
Note:By default, they are not selected.
Click Save.
Step 3: Assign the user to the Permission Set
Click Manage Assignments.
Click Add Assignments.
Select the user to assign this permission set to, and then click Assign.
Click Done.
This assigns this permission set to the selected user and the user will not be able to see the Disbursement Plans tab on the CL Contract page.