Loan dashboard
Dashboards are the windows displayed on the landing screen of the application. Dashboard renders information of specific transactions or tasks mapped to the user role, who logs in to the system. The system facilitates the integration of information from different levels and displays it as Dashboard on the home screen, also called the landing screen of the application.
As a bank official, after submitting the application, you can view details of the application, parties, documents, collateral, pricing, exceptions (if any), and perform a credit check of the applicant on the application dashboard.
Use the dashboard to
Add/View parties
View/Edit application details
In the Documents screen you can:
Add document category
View a list of all the parties' documents
Upload documents
Delete the uploaded documents
View the collateral details
View task list
View application list
Review and respond to notifications related to your applications
To view the application dashboard
Before you proceed to view the application dashboard, ensure that the following prerequisite is met:
An application is created.
To view the application dashboard:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, from the list of applications, select the required application.
The application details page is displayed with the related application's details such as the documents submitted for the application, and parties associated with the application.
The application dashboard provides the following information about an application and actions to be performed by the bank official:
Note:This image is a reference for a loan application.
On editing the Requested Loan Amount, Term, Payment Frequency, Amortization Term, Interest Rate, Interest Only Period, the Payment Amount gets recalculated and the updated value is displayed on the application details page.
Note:To know more about the application and the actions that you can perform to process the application, see Loan.
This tab has subsequent sections and all the sections are expandable. Select each of the sections to know the details about the application. Edit the required details (if the application is not locked) and then select Save.
This tab lists the party details of all the parties associated with the application.
Note:To know more about the parties and the actions that you can perform on them, see Parties.
This tab lists the collateral details of all the collateral associated with the application.
Note:To know more about the collateral and the actions that you can perform on them, see Collateral.
This tab lists the exceptions if any are generated for the application.
Note:To know more about the policy conditions and the actions that you can perform on them, see ExceptionsExceptions.
This tab lists the documents that are uploaded for the application/party/collateral.
Note:To know more about the documents and the actions that you can perform on them, see Documents.
This tab lists the various generated pricing offers, the selected offer, fees, if any, created for the application, and the payment schedule. The SELECTED OFFER section lists the pricing offer selected by the borrower.
Note:To know more about the pricing generated for the application and the actions that you can perform on them, see Loan pricing.
MORE - It is a list of options that can be used throughout the application origination process.
Note:To know more about each of these options and the actions that you can perform on them, see More > the respective chapter.
Application Progress - It indicates how much the application is processed. If it is 100%, the application is processed by all the required departments, and there are no pending tasks. The percentage is calculated based on the number of stages the application has progressed out of the total number of stages that the application needs to progress. For example, there are five stages through which an application will progress, out of which the application has progressed through one stage and is currently in the second stage of the workflow. Then, the percentage progress will show 20% completed.
Customer Information - This shows the account name, the year since when the customer is in the business, and the business entity type if the customer is a Business Entity. For Individuals, it shows the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name and also displays the customer since.
Required Actions - Select this to know the status of the application. It displays the current stage at which the application currently is and the tasks pending. A stage, also known as a department, needs to process the application. After an application is created, it typically goes through multiple stages, where it is reviewed and processed before it is finally approved or rejected. These stages decide the order in which an application should be processed. A stage is created by the logical grouping of tasks such as Application Qualification, Underwriting, and more. Tasks are the actions needed to process an application, such as Identity Verification, Documents Collection, and more.
The Required Actions option also serves as Loan Status and provides you with real-time access to the following information:
Stages and Tasks - The Required Actions window provides access to each stage of the loan origination process, as well as each task within each stage.
Task Statistics - The Required Actions window enables you to quickly see how many document exceptions, policy exceptions, and outstanding tasks require your attention in order to process the loan.
Tasks Outstanding - The Required Actions window lists tasks along with their current statuses. You can complete the outstanding tasks displayed and mark them as complete upon selecting the checkbox, and then select the Mark as Completed.
Note:To know more about the stages and tasks configured for the application and the actions that you can perform on them, see Application stages and tasks.
Use this to exchange information and sent instant messages and comments to the loan team.
Note:To know more about how to use this feature, see Notes and messages.