Application locking
To ensure data integrity during and after the application approval or any other process, financial institutions prefer to lock applications for any edits. Later in the workflow, the applications can be unlocked and made available for edits. You can control the locking and unlocking of the applications.
In Q2 Originate, you can configure to lock or unlock an application record and its selected associated records. This configuration is invoked on an application status change.
For example, the application can be locked for edits in the following instances:
When an application record is submitted for approval, the application record and its related child records should not be editable by the users.
After an application record is submitted for approval and if the loan is in approved status, the application record and its related child records should not be editable by the users.
If an application status is Converted to Contract, then the application and the records associated with the application should be locked down for edit post the conversion to contract.
And, the locks can be released in the following instances:
If an approval process is withdrawn, the application record and specific records associated with the application are editable.
When an application record is submitted or is approved.
Verify application lock
Before you proceed to verify if the application is locked, ensure that the following prerequisite is met:
The approval process lock is enabled for an application.
Packaged flow Lock Unlock Application is enabled.
To know how to enable the flow, see the Q2 Origination Administration Guide, Lock Unlock Record Configuration > Enable Lock Unlock Application Flow section.
To verify if the application is locked:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, select the required application ID.
On an application, select to modify the application values and try saving them.
An error message is displayed as illustrated in the following image, and this confirms that the application, in its current status, is locked for edits:
Note:The modified values are not saved if the approval process lock is enabled on an application.
The locking functionality is also supported for Financial Spreads. When an application is locked, the financial spread details can not be edited.
The modified values are saved after editing if the approval process unlock is enabled on an application.