Upload documents
Once you have associated document categories with an application, you can upload documents received from the borrower within each category. Once you upload a document for an application, it remains in the system. If you remove it from the dashboard, you can add it again later from the list of documents without needing to upload it again.
Before you begin to upload a document for a document category, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
The document category is added to the application.
The document is not blank.
To upload a document for a document category:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, and from the list of applications, select the required application.
The loan dashboard is displayed.
Select the Documents tab.
Select the required document category and go to Action and select Upload File to add the document.
This window lists the documents that are already added to the system under the File Name field.
For example, documents uploaded while processing another application for the same borrower are listed here.
Select from the list of documents if you want to add any one of these. Else, select Upload to add a new document.
The document uploaded is displayed under the File Name field and is selected for addition.
Select all the required documents, and select Add Documents.
The added document is listed under the File field with a date and time stamp appended to its name.
The latest document is displayed first.
If it is the first file in the corresponding document category, the uploaded file is displayed in the same row with Status and File Name.
If not, then a new row is created to display the corresponding newly added document in the selected document category with Status and File Name.
You can upload multiple files against each document category.
In scenarios where multiple versions of a single file need to be uploaded against a single document category, the file name is appended with the date and time stamp while uploading. This helps the back-office user to identify the recent file.