Expiring a SCRA process enforcement on the current system date
You can revoke a process enforcement (PE), which means, expiring it on the current system date. Once you expire the PE, the impacted fields of the contracts of the contact or account are reverted to their original values, and payment schedules are regenerated.
Perform the following steps to expire a process enforcement on the current system date:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Contacts or Accounts, and search for and click on the required contact or account.
In the Contact or Account details page, scroll down to the Process Enforcement Detail section, and click on the PE you want to expire.
Click Revoke Process Enforcement. You can expire only active and non-expired PEs.
Click Validate to check if the PE can be revoked on current system date. If validation fails, an error message is displayed with the corresponding contract IDs.
Once validation is successful, click Revoke. The system applies all the expiry actions for the corresponding PE. These expiry actions are applied in the next run of the batch job and you receive email notifications for these jobs.
Note:If even one contract fails the validation, process enforcement is not revoked or expired for any of the contracts for the selected contact or account.
The Revoked checkbox in the Process Enforcement Detail page gets selected when the PE is expired on a date different than the scheduled expiry date.