Creating an investor
You must create the tax configuration that is used to calculate the tax applied to the investors' returns, by the lender. You can provide details such as the name of the tax, the type of income, the investor type, the tax percentage, the calculation method for tax and the VAT (Value Added Tax) percentage.
Perform the following steps for Investor tax configuration:
Login to your Salesforce account.
Click Investor tax configuration. If you cannot find Investor tax configuration in your Selected tabs, follow the steps given below:
Click +.
Click Customize my tabs.
Select Investor tax configuration from Available Tabs.
Click Add.
Click Save. You have now added Investor tax configuration to your Selected tabs.
Click Investor Tax Configuration tab.
Specify the required Tax name.
Select the required Income Type.
Select the Investor Type.
Specify the Tax percentage.
Select the required Bank.
Select the required Tax calculation method.
Specify the VAT Percentage.
Click Save.
The Investor tax configuration is completed.