Each stage may have layout and overlay.
layout is nested structure of name (string) and children (array).
overlay is an array of layouts, which specifies all modal dialogs that can be open in the current stage.
Use layout name to refer to the corresponding actor in the actors section.
If no corresponding actor, the layout is a <div>.
An actor can contain other actors as children, for example, a container tabs contains multiple queue-view components.
Example 174. Code JSON
"WorkspaceHomePage": { "layout": { "name": "top", "children": [{ "name": "AuthenticatedHeader" }, { "name": "LeftSidebar" }, { "name": "RightSidebar" }, { "name": "content", "children": [{ "name": "ApplicationCardView" }] }] } },
Example 175. Code JSON
"ApplciationDetailPage": { "layout": { "name": "top", "children": [{ "name": "AuthenticatedHeader" }, { "name": "content", "children": [{ "name": "DocumentTabs", "children": [{ "name": "BusinessDocumentQueueView" }, { "name": "PrincipalDocumentQueueView" }] }] }] }, "overlay": [ { "name": "preview", "children": [{ "name": "PreviewPageInclude" }] } ] }