list-view: with column header (including sort indicator), one record per row
queue-view: no column header, with sort drop-down, one item per row
card-view: no column header, with sort drop-down, multiple items per row
detail-view: single record
data-model: for data reference only, no rendering
basic-panel: no backend data, may call remote custom API
Release Available |
Status |
Framework Name |
Initial |
Current |
MUI and Mint |
To preview a basic single list view page, go to Setup >> Visualforce Pages >> B >> BasicSingleListView >> Preview.
To view the JSON in the developer console, go to Developer Console >> basic_single_list_view.
Look for page ID and copy/paste.
Where name is
A component has the following properties:
structureName: component JSON
whereClause: variable and value mapping, including all the variables used in the component JSON
Example 26. Code JSON
"BorrowerCardView": { "category": "component", "type": "card-view", "property": { "structureName": "portal2demo_borrower_card_view", "whereClause": { "Guest_Account__c": "$global.attr(sessionId);" } } }