To connect with the Portal AWS bucket and get all the required loader icons and in-built functionalities, add the IncludePortal2 component configuration to the Visualforce page.
When you add a new Visualforce (VF) page in an org, the page loading spinner is shown in the Portal Builder until some data or configuration is added to the page.
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" docType="html-5.0" controller="clcommon.PortalActions"> <apex:include pageName="clcommon__ResolveNamespace"/> <clcommon:IncludePortal2 navName="…" theme="…" showDefaultLoadingPage="…"> </clcommon:IncludePortal2 > </apex:page>
navName (required): NavigationStructure Name theme (optional, default='mint', selection:["mint", "mui"]): CSS themes showDefaultLoadingPage (optional, default="true", selection:["true", "false"]): Boolean to show/hide default loading page