Pagination can be added to list view, queue view, and card view. By default, pagination displays at the top of a component.
Record line template: $start; - $end;of$total;
Arrow icons: <<, <, >, >>
Number of records per page
Number of page links
Example 122. Code JSON
"appearance": { "columns": 4, "title": "Accounts", "expansionTop": "normal", "sortableFields": [ "Name", "Industry", "AnnualRevenue" ], "sortedField": { "name": "AnnualRevenue", "ascending": false }, "pagination": { "recordLineTemplate": "$start; - $end; of $total; accounts", "numberOfRecordsPerPage": 10, "numberOfPageLinks": 10 } }
When pagination, when users change the sort-by field, either by clicking a column header in a list view or changing selected values in the sort-by drop-down list in a card view or queue view.
The data needs to be re-queried from the server. Therefore, the first page should be highlighted after sorting, no matter which page the user was on.