Retrieve Bank Transactions for a Borrower
This web service fetches the transactions of a borrower provided by Yodlee.
GET https://<domain>/services/apexrest/genesis/v1/applications/fetchTransactions/*
The following table provides details of the request parameters used by this web service:
Field | Type | Description |
applicationId* |
String |
startDate |
String |
endDate |
Decimal |
Error Messages
When you post a web service, you can receive the possible error messages as shown in the following table:
Error Code | Error Message | System.Label | Reason | HTTP Status Code |
Unable to parse the Request parameters |
You will receive this error if an error occurs while parsing Request parameters |
400 |
Application Id is null |
You will receive this error if the Application ID is not specified in the request URL |
400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to find the Application | APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND |
You will receive this error if there is no record for application with an applicationId |
400 |
UNAUTHORIZED | Please update the credentials first |
NA | You will receive this error if the user's credentials are not provided for a given application. | 401 |
API_EXCEPTION | <exception_message> |
NA | You will receive this error if any validation fails or any unexpected error occurs during the processing of the request, the system will raise the exception | 500 |
Sample Request
The sample request to be sent is as shown below:
Sample Response
This sample response contains the newly created application for the given borrower. The sample response is as shown below:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"response": [],
"errorMessage": null,
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR",
"content": [
"attributes": {
"type": "ints__Yodlee_Call__c",
"url": "/services/data/v33.0/sobjects/ints__Yodlee_Call__c/a0rF0000003UPGCIA4"
"ints__Lower_Fetch_Limit__c": 1,
"genesis__Total_Salary__c": 0,
"genesis__Average_Savings__c": 0,
"OwnerId": "005F0000004zGXWIA2",
"genesis__Total_Transfers__c": 0,
"LastModifiedDate": "2015-02-23T09:19:09.000+0000",
"genesis__Total_Restaurant_Expenses__c": 0,
"genesis__Average_Income__c": 0,
"genesis__Total_Deposits__c": 0,
"ints__Contact__c": "003F000001Rd3uKIAR",
"genesis__Based_on_Net_Income__c": 0,
"ints__Loan_Payments__c": 0,
"genesis__Business_Expenses__c": 0,
"ints__To_Date__c": "2015-02-23",
"ints__Client_Name__c": "DataSearchService",
"genesis__Application__c": "a39F00000005xmFIAQ",
"ints__Ignore_User_Input__c": "true",
"ints__Higher_Fetch_Limit__c": 500,
"SystemModstamp": "2015-02-23T09:19:09.000+0000",
"genesis__Total_Gasoline_Expenses__c": 0,
"genesis__Total_Utility_Expenses__c": 0,
"ints__End_Number__c": 500,
"LastModifiedById": "005F0000004zGXWIA2",
"ints__Currency_Code__c": "USD",
"genesis__Other_Income_Sources__c": 0,
"genesis__Living_Expenses__c": 0,
"genesis__Based_on_Total_Income__c": 0,
"genesis__Total_Insurance_Expenses__c": 0,
"Name": "YCL-02-23-2015-000066",
"ints__Container_Type__c": "All",
"ints__Start_Number__c": 1,
"ints__From_Date__c": "2014-11-25",
"ints__Transaction_Split_Type__c": "ALL_TRANSACTION",
"CreatedById": "005F0000004zGXWIA2",
"CreatedDate": "2015-02-23T09:19:09.000+0000",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Id": "a0rF0000003UPGCIA4",
"genesis__Total_Telecom_Expenses__c": 0,
"genesis__Business_Income__c": 0,
"ints__Client_Id__c": "1",
"genesis__Discretionary_Expenses__c": 0,
"genesis__Personal_Income__c": 0