Create an Application (V1)
This web service creates an application and returns the committed record.
This web service only supports creating an application for the Product Type, Loan.
POST https://<domain>/services/apexrest/genesis/v1/applications/
The following table provides details of the request parameters used by this web service:
Field | Type | Description |
accountId* |
String |
contact* |
String |
loanAmount* |
Decimal |
term* |
Integer |
expectedStartDate |
Date |
productType* |
String |
interestRate* |
Decimal |
interestCalcMethod |
String |
firstRepaymentDate |
Date |
paymentFrequency |
String |
interestOnlyPeriod | Integer |
balloonPayment | Decimal |
Error Messages
When you post a web service, you can receive the possible error messages as shown in the following table:
Error Code | Error Message | System.Label | Reason | HTTP Status Code |
Unable to parse the Request parameters |
You will receive this error if an error occurs while parsing request parameters. |
400 |
<exception while parsing the parameters> |
NA |
You will receive this error if there is any exception while parsing the parameters. |
400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Product Type is null | PRODUCT_TYPE_NULL | You will receive this error if the Product Type is not specified in the request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to find product type. | PRODUCT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND | You will receive this error if the Product Type is invalid in the request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Both Contact and Account found null. Please provide at least one of them. |
ACCOUNT_CONTACT_ID_NULL | You will receive this error if both accountId and contactId are not specified in the request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to find the Account. | ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | You will receive this error if the account specified in the request parameters is not found. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to find the Contact. | CONTACT_NOT_FOUND | You will receive this error if the contact specified in the request parameters is not found. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Invalid Payment Frequency. | PAYMENT_FREQUENCY_NOT_FOUND | You will receive this error if the payment frequency specified in the request parameters is not valid. | 400 |
<exception_message> |
NA |
You will receive this error if any validation fails or any unexpected error occurs during the processing of the request, the system will raise the exception. |
500 |
Sample Request
The sample request to be sent is as shown below:
"accountId": "001F000001NtH4N",
"loanAmount": 1000,
"interestRate": 10,
"term": 12,
"productType": "loan",
"balloonPayment": 100,
"interestOnlyPeriod": 2,
"paymentFrequency": "WEEKLY",
"interestCalcMethod": "Flat",
"daysConvention": "ACTUAL/ACTUAL",
"firstRepaymentDate": "2015-03-15"
Sample Response
This sample response contains the newly created application for the given borrower. The sample response is as shown below:
"status": "SUCCESS",
"response": [],
"errorMessage": null,
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR",
"content": [
"attributes": {
"type": "genesis__Applications__c",
"url": "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/genesis__Applications__c/a39F00000005yEUIAY"
"RecordTypeId": "012F00000012dITIAY",
"genesis__Loan_Amount__c": 1000,
"genesis__Term__c": 12,
"genesis__Interest_Only_Period__c": 2,
"genesis__Product_Type__c": "LOAN",
"genesis__Payment_Frequency__c": "WEEKLY",
"genesis__Expected_First_Payment_Date__c": "2015-03-15",
"genesis__Interest_Calculation_Method__c": "Flat",
"genesis__Landing_Sequence__c": 2,
"genesis__Days_Convention__c": "ACTUAL/ACTUAL",
"genesis__Status__c": "NEW - ENTERED",
"genesis__Expected_Start_Date__c": "2015-02-14",
"Id": "a39F00000005yEUIAY",
"genesis__Expected_Close_Date__c": "2015-03-06",
"genesis__Interest_Rate__c": 10,
"genesis__Balloon_Payment__c": 100,
"genesis__Account__c": "001F000001NtH4NIAV"