Define a Company's Loan Product
Lenders may define multiple companies in CL Loan. In such cases, they can associate one or more lending products to each company.
When you create and save the lending product for a company, the branch loan product record is created. It lists the branch and the lending product associated with it. You can create multiple such records to associate the lending product to multiple companies and vice versa.
The following is a prerequisite to setting up a company's loan products:
Company is set up
Perform the following steps to set up a company's loan products:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Servicing Configuration, View/Edit New Lending Products.
Click the required Loan Product.
Scroll down to the Company's Loan Products section. The default lending product and branch association is listed.
Click New Company Loan Product to create a new branch to product association.
Select the company or Branch to which you want to attach the lending product.
Optionally, you can use this page to attach the branch to a different Loan Product.
Click Save to save the company loan product association, or Save & New to create more associations.