Configuring a task template
Task Template setup enables you to automatically generate tasks for an application. Q2 Origination allows you to create both, mandatory and optional tasks. Tasks can be auto close tasks like the credit pull task; after a user fetches the credit report, the task needs to close automatically. Or, tasks can be manual, where the user needs to explicitly mark them as completed. Along with the tasks, you can specify the execution criteria that determine whether a task must be associated with a loan or a lease opportunity.
Stage-based Tasks
Stage-based tasks are applied to a loan opportunity based on loan product value and assigned to applicable stages as per the defined configuration. As viewed on the Loan Dashboard, the task list is in the form of a two-level tree where the top level is the stage, and the second level is the individual tasks. Each individual task has a check box to indicate if it has been completed. You can mark a task completed by selecting the task and selecting Save.
Criteria-based Tasks
Criteria-based tasks are set up similar to stage-based tasks. Criteria-based tasks are linked to specific execution criteria. The execution criteria determine whether the task must be applied to the loan opportunity. If a loan opportunity does not meet the criteria, that task is not applied to it.
For example, if you define the following tasks:
- Task 1 - Complete Application and associate it with Product Commercial Real Estate and Department Origination.
- Task 2 - Gather All Documents and associate it with Product Commercial Real Estate and Department Processing.
And, you define the execution criteria that task 1 must be executed for loan amounts below 100000 while task 2 must be executed for loan amounts greater than 100000. Then, when an application for the Commercial Real Estate product is created for an amount of 500000, the system automatically generates task 2 for the application under the respective stage.
Context-based Tasks
With the loan origination task management in Q2 Origination, you can associate specific tasks with specific contexts - specifically borrowing entities and collateral, and automatically associate tasks with specific records when tasks are generated for a loan or lease application.
For example, tasks like, Perform Identity Verification, or Pull Credit Report may need to be generated for all the borrowing entities in the loan or lease application.
Configuring a Task
You can set up the tasks needed to be performed to complete an application for a given lending product. You can also specify the subsequent task and the order in which it needs to be performed, for example, after the current task or parallel to it. This helps link the tasks in a sequence, especially when you have multiple tasks associated with a stage.
Setting up a task has the following steps:
Define a task and its details.
Define the criteria under which the defined task must be executed.
Define an evaluation expression if more than 1 criterion are defined for the task.
From the Task Setup page, you can create the following:
The Product Department Task association. This helps you indicate that the task must be performed as a part of the application process for the given product, and at the defined stage. To know about the steps to do this, see to the Configuring product department task association section.
The Document Flow Configs. This helps you define the process flow for sending and receiving documents to and from the different parties associated with a product. To know about the steps to do this, see to the Document flow config setup section.
Defining a Task
To define a task follow the given prerequisites and steps.
The prerequisite to set up criteria-based tasks is as follows:
The Enable Criteria Based Task check box in the Custom Settings > Org parameters is selected.
The prerequisite to set up context-based tasks is as follows:
The Enable Criteria Based Task and the Use Enhanced Task checkboxes in the Custom Settings > Org parameters are selected.
Perform the following steps to set up a task:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Origination Configuration> Dashboard Setup.
Select Task Template.
On the page that appears, select New Task Setup.
The New Task Setup page appears.
Specify the Task Setup details as described in the New Task Setup section of the Fields reference table.
Select Save to set up the task.
Defining execution criteria for a task
You can define a criteria that must be met for a task to be executed.
Perform the following steps to define execution criteria for the created task:
After a task is defined, its details appear on the Task Setup page. On this page, in the Task Generation Criteria section, select New Execution Criteria.
Select the Record Type of new record as Task Setup and select Continue.
Specify the task criteria details as described in the Task execution criteria section of the Fields reference table.
Select Save.
Defining evaluation expression
If you are defining multiple execution criteria for a task, then you also need to define an evaluation expression to define the order in which the defined criteria must be executed.
Do the following to define the order in which the defined criteria must be executed:
After a task is defined, its details appear on the Task Setup page. On this page, in the Task Setup Edit section, select Edit.
In the Evaluation Expression For Execution box, specify the order in which the defined criteria must be executed using boolean expressions.
For example, if you specify 1 AND (2 OR 3), where 1, 2, 3 are the sequence numbers of the criteria, then the criteria are evaluated as follows:
The 2nd and the 3rd criteria are evaluated using the OR operator.
The final result is the evaluation result of the 1st criteria and the result of step a using the AND operator.
Fields reference table
The following table describes the fields that are to be specified while setting up a task.
Field | Description |
Object Type | The object for which you are defining the task. |
Description | Description of the task. |
Task Name | Name of the task. It appears as the Subject of the task in the Application Dashboard. |
Priority |
Priority of the task. This can be High, Normal, or Low. |
Next Task Name | This is the task that must be performed after the current task is completed. |
Is Parallel | Select this check box if this task can be performed in parallel with another task. |
Assign Parallel Task To | The user who performs the parallel task. |
Type |
Is the type of task. This can be Manual or any of the automatic tasks, like Credit Pull, Fetch Transaction, or LOI.
To know more about defining process flow for sending and receiving documents to and from the different parties associated with a product refer to Document flow config setup. |
Mandatory |
If this check box is selected, the task is mandatory. |
Retain Completed Task | If this check box is selected, this task is marked for retaining even if the stage is changed. |
# days until due date | The number of days in which the task must be completed once started. |
Sequence |
(Serial) number of the task. This number is used while defining the evaluation expression involving multiple criteria. |
Related Object |
Related object of the task. |
Field Name | Object's field name to define the task criteria on. When you tab out of the field, the field's API Name is updated on the page. If the field is a lookup field, the Lookup Object Field Name is displayed. |
Matching Type | The Operator for the field name and its value. For example =, >, Contains. |
Matching Value | Matching value of the selected field. |