Document flow config setup
During the processing of an application, some tasks may not be a simple upload of a document but involve sending and receipt of the document by different parties. You can create document formats and define the document flow so that the respective version and format of the document is sent or received automatically.
Document Flow Config enables you to control the document status and set up the tasks for sending and receiving signed documents from various parties of an application. For every document to be processed for an application, the respective document flow configuration becomes a record of the configuration object named Document Flow Config. Whenever you set up a task for the related document, the related document flow configuration is executed.
The following example illustrates how Document Flow Config can be used.
Consider an object Letter Of Intent (of type genesis__Letter_of_Intent__c), to which the signed and unsigned version of the letter of the intent document gets attached. Let us say the unsigned document is called Unsigned LOI.pdf and signed document is called Completed LOI.pdf.
Now, we define a task set up with task name as Send LOI and the next task name as Receive Signed LOI. Next, we associate this task setup with the document category for LOI, say Letter of Intent.
Consider an application in which the task Send LOI is assigned to a party. If we define the document flow config, whenever the party sends an LOI of an application to a borrower for signatures, the defined flow config does the following:
Attaches the Unsigned LOI.pdf to the LOI object associated with the application. This attaches the unsigned LOI to the associated application document category for Letter of Intent. (if there are previously attached documents, these are deleted.)
Closes the task Send LOI.
Creates a task for Receive Signed LOI.
When a signed LOI is received and attached to the LOI object with the name Completed LOI.pdf (the defined name of the signed document), it attaches it to the application document category for Letter of Intent, and Unsigned LOI.pdf gets deleted.
Marks the Receive Signed LOI task as completed.
Creates a task for reviewer of the application document category.
The following are the prerequisites to defining a document flow config:
A task is set up.
A document category is set up.
Perform the following steps to configure a document flow config:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Origination Configuration > Application Setup > Document Flow Config.
On the page that appears, select New Document Flow Config.
Provide the following information:
Specify a Document Flow Config Name.
Specify the Name of Signed Document.
Specify the Name of Unsigned Document.
Specify the application object to which this object is linked, in the Object API Name field.
Select the Task Setup for which you are defining the config.
Select Save to save the document flow config.
Field reference
Field Name | Field Description |
Document Flow Config Name | A name to identify the document flow config. |
Name of Signed Document | The name of the signed document which would get attached to the object you specify in the Object API Name field. |
Name of Unsigned Document | The name of the unsigned document which would get attached to the object you specify in the Object API Name field. |
Object API Name | The name of the object to which the document (unsigned/signed) will get attached. |
Task Setup | The task setup defined for sending and receiving the document. This is also used to identify document category which is associated with the document. |