Automatic Interest Adjustment in non-IPT-enabled loans
How is the interest adjusted after a backdated transaction in the case of non-IPT-enabled simple loans?
In the case of a non IPT-enabled loan, after a backdated transaction, the difference in the interests is adjusted in the Interest Remaining field (IR).
Once the backdated payment is reversed or made, the system adjusts the interest automatically and adjusts it to the Interest Remaining.
In the case of a backdated payment reversal, the adjusted interest is positive and in the case of a backdated payment, it is negative. And the adjusted interest is added to the Interest Remaining (IR).
For example, if Adjusted Interest = $20.66 and IR is $100, then the new IR amount would be $120.66.In the case of a backdated payment for a non IPT-enabled loan, the value of adjusted interest is negative and the same is adjusted in the Interest Remaining.
For example, if, due to the back dated payment, the value of adjusted interest is -20 and the Interest Remaining is 10, then the new value of Interest Remaining would be -10. After that, if any LPT is made and the total interest calculated is 8, then there is no portion of LPT that would go toward the interest and the Interest Remaining would be updated to -2.
If a loan is closed, and the Interest Remaining field holds a negative value after satisfying all the components, then the same is adjusted in the excess amount.
Example: Automatic interest adjustment for a non IPT-enabled loan in the case of a backdated payment that is created beyond two LPTs
Let us say there is a loan with the following terms and conditions:
Create Summaries = true
Enable Adjustment Entry = true
Loan Amount = $10,000
Interest Rate = 10%
Term = 10
Time Counting Method = Month And Days
Is Interest Posting = false
Is Capitalization Enabled = false
Payment Application Mode = Future Dues
Payment Frequency = Monthly
Contract Date = March 1, 2013
LAD = Last Accrual Date
IA = Interest Accrued
PR = Principal Remaining
LPT = Loan Payment Transaction (Payment)
IR = Interest Remaining
Before a backdated payment
Let us consider the following state of the loan before a backdated payment is made.
Date | Action | Results |
March 1, 2013 | Loan is created, approved, and disbursed. |
April 1, 2013 |
| |
April 15, 2013 | None |
April 15, 2013 | LPT-1 of $1,000 |
May 1, 2013 | None |
May 10, 2013 | None |
May 10, 2013 | LPT-2 of $500 |
May 25, 2013 | None |
LTS before a backdated payment
After a backdated payment
Now let us see the state of the loan after a backdated payment of $500 is made on May 25 for March 10:
Date | Action | Results |
March 1, 2013 | None |
March 10, 2013 | None |
March 10, 2013 | LPT-3 of $500 |
April 1, 2013 |
| |
April 15, 2013 | None |
April 15, 2013 | LPT-1 of $1,000 |
May 1, 2013 | None |
May 10, 2013 | None |
May 10, 2013 | LPT-2 of $500 |
May 25, 2013 | None |
The green colored rows in the preceding table indicate the internal calculations when a backdated payment for March 10 is made.
LTS after backdated payment
OLT after backdated payment
An OLT of the type, Adjusted Interest, and of amount, -$8.33, gets created in the system:
Adjusted Interest Calculation
Adjusted Interest Non-Capitalized
= (Total Interest Accrued after backdated payment - Total Interest Accrued before backdated payment) - (Last Interest Accrued after backdated payment - Last Interest Accrued before backdated payment)
= {(25 + 55.42 + 36.94 + 38.32 + 21.56 + 34.11) - (83.33 + 38.89 + 40.54 + 22.81 + 36.19)} - (34.11 - 36.19)
= (211.34 - 221.76) - (-2.08)
= -10.42 - (-2.08)
= -8.33.
The total interest to be adjusted = -8.33. This is adjusted to Interest Remaining. Thus, Interest Remaining = -8.33.