In Q2 Origination, the Adverse Action option allows you to associate adverse action reasons to the application that you have rejected and define other details related to the adverse action notice, such as the sent date, return date, comments, and so on. If an application is manually rejected by the underwriter due to adverse action reasons received from the bureau or otherwise, the same can be added here on the Adverse Action page, and based on that, an adverse action notice is sent to the borrower on the adverse action sent date. After receiving the adverse action notice, the borrower needs to return by the specified adverse action return date to resolve the dispute; otherwise, the application is rejected and closed.
Before you proceed to add/view the reasons for adverse action, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
Reason codes are configured.
To know how to configure reason codes, see Q2 Origination Administration Guide > Reason Codes Setup.
An application is created and rejected.
To add/view the reasons for adverse action:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, and from the list of applications, select the required application.
On the application details page, go to More > Adverse Action.
The Adverse Action page is displayed.
In the Adverse Action section, select Edit and provide the details as described in the following table, and then select Save:
Field Name
Adverse Action Sent Date
This field specifies the date when the adverse action notice is sent, or the CSI documents are generated.
Adverse Action Return Date
This field specifies the date by which the borrower must provide the missing information to process the application.
This date should be greater than the Adverse Action Sent Date.
Lender Comments
This field specifies any additional observations that the lender may want to record on the application as part of adverse action.
Other Reasons
This field specifies free-form rejection reasons.
Adverse Action Based On Outside Info
This checkbox determines if outside (third-party) information is used to reject the application.
Select Manage Adverse Reasons.
In the Assign Reasons window, select the reason due to which you are rejecting the application and the child reasons if required, and then select Save.
As displayed in the below image, the Save button is enabled only after selecting a primary reason.
To mention a child reason in the adverse action notice, the corresponding primary reason needs to be selected for the application.
You can select multiple reasons.