Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to the Applications tab, and select an application as needed.
Go to the Parties tab, and select Add Party icon.
Selecting Add Party icon displays the following options:
New Relationship (Not applicable for Broker Commission)
Existing Relationship
Select an existing relationship and select the nature of the relationship from the following options, and then select Next:
Business Relationship
Personal Relationship
Search for the account and select it, then select Next.
Verify and edit the details as required, and then select Next.
Select the Party Type as Broker, and then select Next.
If you are selecting the Party Type as Broker for a non-broker account, the following error message is displayed:
Error message
You are trying to add a non-broker account as a broker party to the application, please select valid account.
If you are selecting the Party Type other than Broker for a broker account, the following error message is displayed:
Error message
You are trying to add a broker account as a party to the application and assign different role, please select valid account.
Select the Electronic Consent checkbox, and then select Save.
Selecting Save adds the account to the party.
If there is any default commission plan added for the selected broker account, then the applicable commission gets added automatically for the application.
The following three sections get displayed for the broker account:
Party Details
Account Name
Account Description
Account Number
Account Phone
Legal Entity Type (read only field when adding using existing relationship)
Party Type (in this case Broker)
Party Address
Zip/Postal Code
Broker Commission
To know about configurations, refer to Q2 Origination Administration Guide > Broker Commission.