Spring'23 Release Notes
1. Preface
This is a living document, and its contents may be updated often. Make sure that you have the latest version for use.
This document provides information about the new and enhanced features in Q2 Portal, Spring'23 General Availability (GA) release. You can access the release notes of the previous releases from the Q2 Customer Portal or from the Q2 Lending Help Center.
The contents of this document are applicable to all the customers who have installed the Q2 Portal Spring'23 version (4.2004) for the first time or have upgraded from an earlier version.
1.1 Purpose of this Document
This document provides information on the following for the Spring'23 release:
- Installation Information
- Upgrade Considerations
- New Features and Enhancements
- Fixed Issues
- Known Issues
- New and Modified Objects
- New and Modified APIs
- Global Methods
1.2 Intended Audience
The audience of this document includes business users, implementers, and system administrators.
1.3 Prerequisites for Use
This document assumes a basic knowledge of the product concepts, the product release, the Windows platform, and the Salesforce platform.
1.4 List of Abbreviations
2. Introduction
These release notes may be updated after the first release. Any changes to the contents of these release notes are listed in the Change Record section.
3. Installation Information
Contact your Q2 Professional Services team or the Customer Success team for information on the package dependency and installation order of the packages required to install and set up the latest version of Q2 Portal.
4. Upgrade Considerations
For information on the upgrade steps, see release-related steps in the Q2 Product Upgrade Guide.
5. System Performance
To view the SOD batch jobs performance statistics for Q2 Portal without customizations under test conditions, see the Q2 Performance Benchmarking Guide.
6. New Features and Enhancements
This section briefly describes the new features and enhancements added in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
For a detailed description of the new features and enhancements, see the following guides published over the Q2 Customer Portal:
CL Portal PPT
6.1 Framework Features
6.1.1 $interaction Assignments (JIRA ID: CP-2372)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure an assignment operation on $interaction variable. This enables a Portal admin to programmatically update the selected records in a multi-selectable list of records based on a business logic.
6.1.2 Multi attr syntax support for assignment (JIRA ID: CP-2377)
Feature Description
Added support to create or update a key or variable in a deeply nested object with data for Global Variables.
6.1.3 Helper Function For External JavaScript Snippets (JIRA ID: CP-2372)
Feature Description
Portal admins can write small snippets of JavaScript to perform some data manipulation. This can be a difficult process when dealing with framework level data, which are Immutable Objects and not plain JavaScript objects.
This feature allows processing easy in external functions by adding a new helper function (toJS). The toJS function converts the immutable objects to JavaScript objects at the config level when passing data to an external function and converting the data if needed.
6.1.4 External ID for Generic Component Structures (JIRA ID: CP-2400)
Feature Description
Generic component structures are the component structures whose name starts with a $ sign. Before this release, external IDs for all the component structures were populated with their name value on saving the Portal document from Portal Builder UI. The configuration Migration tool (CMT) does not accept $ as a valid character. As a result, the logic of the external ID population for the generic component structure replaces the $ sign with a + sign, which is a valid character in the CMT tool. This logic is applied to only the component structures whose external ID is not yet populated.
6.1.5 Q2 Artifactory for Portal Framework (JIRA ID: CP-2394)
Feature Description
Going forward all the node modules used in the framework are fetched from the internal Q2 Registry rather than from the Public Registry. This is a step towards developing a more secure framework.
6.1.6 Update All Salesforce API's version to the latest (JIRA ID: CP-2416)
Feature Description
All Salesforce APIs from version 21 to 30 are retiring from the Salesforce Summer '23 release. To make sure Portals don’t run into issues or failures due to usage of an older version of APIs, all the Salesforce APIs used in Portal are upgraded to version 53.
6.1.7 CPU Time Limit Exceeded Error While Saving Portal Document (JIRA ID: CP-2451)
Feature Description
Enhancements are made to support saving of Portal configuration having a large number of actors and actions to avoid CPU time limit.
If the idea is to club more than two Portals into the same Portal, a Portal admin can use the "Dynamic navigation between Portals" feature to develop two different Portals and provide a smooth transition from one Portal to another without a URL change.
6.1.8 Access Rest API Call Error Message Through @serverMessage (JIRA ID: CP-2425)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure the Portal to capture and show an error message generated from a REST API call by using the "$serverMessage;" syntax.
6.2 Builder Features
6.2.1 The Same Actor Name Should not Be Able To Create In A Same NavName/VF Page (JIRA ID: CP-2408)
Feature Description
This feature provides information if the name of an Actor is already being used. If a Portal admin enters an Actor Name which is already present in the Actors list, a warning dialog box is displayed confirming if the Portal admin wants to reuse the same actor or change the name. The confirmation dialogue provides two options to the Portal admin, Reuse and Rename. To reuse an actor name, click on Reuse and to change an actor name, click on Rename.
6.3 UI Components
6.3.1 Reference Field - Radio Button Variant (JIRA ID: CP-2375)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure a reference field to be shown as radio buttons using the field type "radiobuttons".
6.3.2 Expand/Collapse General handers (JIRA ID: CP-2390)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure the general operations available on Portal (assignments, actions, and many more) when a user expands or collapses an entry, a group, or an accordion.
These General Handlers are applicable for only accordion, dynamic container, queue view, and card view, as these are the only components that can be configured to have expand or collapse functionality.
To support this feature, the following eight general handlers are added to the framework:
- expand: Gets executed when an entry is expanded.
- collapse: Gets executed when an entry is collapsed.
- expandAll: Gets executed when an ExpandAll button for entries is clicked.
- collapseAll: Gets executed when an CollapseAll button for entries is clicked.
- expandGroup: Gets executed when a group is expanded.
- collapseGroup: Gets executed when a group is collapsed.
- expandAllGroups: Gets executed when an ExpandAll button for groups is clicked.
- collapseAllGroups: Gets executed when an CollapseAllbtn for groups is clicked.
6.3.3 Group By - Dynamic Containers Tiles View (JIRA ID: CP-2373)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure a Dynamic container to group all the records in Tile View by using the groupBy configuration.
6.3.4 Droppable Accordion to Upload Documents (JIRA ID: CP-2417)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure an Accordion as droppable to allow for file upload.
The above config makes individual accordion droppable but to make the document upload fully functional there should be a child actor that is configured with the Document Upload functionality.
6.3.5 MUI Disable Option (All Field Types) (JIRA ID: CP-2331)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to disable all the fields with the help of the builder. A checkbox is available in the builder to disable fields.
6.3.6 Click Away (JIRA ID: CP-1974)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to close the popover by clicking outside the popover.
6.3.7 Global Spinner on Reference Field (JIRA ID: CP-2401)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to add a global spinner for reference and dependent reference fields. The global spinner spins until all the reference fields are loaded. When a Portal user changes any dependent reference field, the global spinner spins till all the dependent reference fields are loaded.
6.3.8 MUI React Drawer (JIRA ID: CP-2367)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to create MUI Swipeable React Drawer with four different positions (left, right, top, and bottom). A Portal admin can also use different dimensions to change the dimensions of the drawer according to the users need.
6.3.9 Highlight Droppable Area on Dropping of Components/Record [MUI] (JIRA ID: CP-2437)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to configure a component, record, or Accordion to be an HTML droppable zone with highlighting the droppable zone while dropping a file.
6.3.10 Information Bubble (MUI) (JIRA ID: CP-2426)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to add more information to a tooltip. The existing "tooltip" object can now have placement, iconName, and iconSize properties. Tooltips with placement "label" and "below" are shown for all field types. Tooltips with "inline" placement is shown for all fields that have a look of a text field.
6.3.11 New UI Field Type - HTML (JIRA ID:CP-2371)
Feature Description
This feature allows a Portal admin to get HTML content from backend which are of string data type. When rendered on to Portal it is shown as HTML by using this new field Type. This Field Type is a Read-only field.
All the data coming from the backend to Portal is sanitized to avoid any Cross-site scripting (XSS) security issues.
With this feature, a Portal admin can now configure anchor tags with target="_blank" attribute, which allows a link to open in a new tab without having to use the"navigate" feature of Portal.
To render the contents of HTML field in textBefore, textAfter, and many more, a Portal admin should add the formatter as a second argument in attr function $this.attr(htmlFieldName, html);
7. Fixed Issues
This section briefly describes the issues fixed in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
Issue ID | Description |
CP-2423 | A Portal admin couldn't import or export an actor of type Include Page. This issue is fixed so that the Portal admins can import or export an actor of type Include Page. |
CP-2428 | The reference fields are not displaying the actual values in readable form for the List View or Card View. |
CP-2388 | Unable to export a huge nested actor containing nearly 100 dependent actors. |
CP-1714 | For the static content if a user does not specify a value in the Content Name field, the user could not save it. So the Content Name field for the static content is made as a mandatory field. |
8. Known Issues
There are no known issues in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
9. New and Modified Objects
This section briefly describes the objects that are added or modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
For more details on the added and modified objects, see Q2 Portal Data Dictionaries Guide.
9.1 New Objects
There are no new objects added in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
9.2 Modified Objects
There are no objects modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
10. New and Modified APIs
This section briefly describes the APIs that are added or modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
For more details on the added or modified APIs, see Q2 Portal REST APIs Guide.
10.1 New APIs
There are no new APIs added in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
10.2 Modified APIs
There are no APIs modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
11. Global Methods
This section briefly describes the global methods that are added or modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
For more details on the added and modified global methods, see Q2 Portal Global Methods Guide.
11.1 New Global Methods
There are no new global methods added in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal.
11.2 Modified Global Methods
The following table describes the global methods modified in the Spring'23 release of Q2 Portal:
Class Name | Global Method Name | Global Method Description |
PortalActions | saveConfiguration | This method gets called on saving the Portal configuration from the Builder UI. Updated the logic to make some performance improvements to enable saving portals with more actors and actions and avoid CPU time limit exceptions. There is no change in the method name or signature. |
12. Post GA Release
Follow this section for the details on the issues fixed in the patches on the Spring'23 release.
12.1 Issue fixed in May 24 patch
12.1.1 Google Places API Issue (Jira IDs: CP-2612)
Fixed Version
Q2 Portal version 4.2.1
Issue Description
When a user enters the address details in Q2 Portal, Q2 Portal uses the Places API provided by Google to auto-complete the address.
To provide better results to users, Google has introduced a new version of the Places API and communicated that the older versions are planned to be deprecated. To ensure that Q2 Portal continues to work after the older versions of the Places API are deprecated, the Places API version in Q2 Portal needs to be updated.
The Places API version in Q2 Portal is updated to the latest available version. Perform the following steps to upgrade Q2 Portal to the latest patched version.
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Open the Configuration Manager application from the App Launcher ().
On the Configuration Manager tab, go to CL Portal > Available Upgrades.
On the Available Upgrades tab, In the Enter User Credentials section, specify the AWS access key and access secret.
Note:You can use the existing AWS keys.
In the Enter Version section, in the Version box, specify 4.2.1 to upgrade Q2 Portal to the specified patch release.
Select Save.
After a successful upgrade, a success message is displayed.
13. Change Record
S.No | Change Date | Description of Change |
1. | April 28, 2023 | Published the Release Notes for Spring'23 General Availability release. |
2. | May 24, 2024 | Add section 12.1. |