Changing the payment tolerance
This web service applies payment tolerance rate on a lending account. Also, it commits changes to the database and returns the updated lending account.
POST https://<domain>/services/apexrest/peer/v1/loanAccounts/postPaymentTolerance/*
The table given below provides details of the request parameters used by this web service:
Field | Type | Description |
loanId* | String |
paymentTolerance* | Integer | This is the Payment Tolerance rate (this is a whole number). |
transactionDate | Date |
startDate* | Date | This is the Start date to apply payment tolerance. |
endDate* | Date | This is the End date for the payment tolerance. |
Error messages
When you use this web service you can receive the possible error messages as shown in the table below:
Error Code | Error Message | System.Label | Reason | HTTP Status Code |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to parse the Request parameters. | UNABLE_PARSE_REQ_PARAMS | If error occurs while parsing request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unknown Exception : <exception_message> | UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION | Unknown exception while parsing request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Loan Account Id is null. | LOAN_ACCOUNT_ID_NULL | Loan Account Id for Loan is not specified in the request parameters. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | No parameters specified in the JSON body request. | INVALID_JSON_BODY_IN_POST_REQUEST | Empty JSON body passed in the HTTP Post Request. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Unable to find the Loan Account. | LOAN_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | No record exists in the system for Loan Id (loanId) specified in the request parameters for a lending account. | 400 |
INVALID_INPUT | Payment Tolerance Rate cannot be null or a negative value. | INVALID_PAYMENT_TOLERANCE_RATE | Payment Tolerance Rate specified in the request parameters is less than zero or null. | 400 |
API_EXCEPTION | <exception_message> | Not Applicable | If any validation fails or any unexpected error occurs during the processing of the request, system will raise the exception. | 500 |
Sample request
The sample request to be sent is as shown below:
Sample response
This sample response contains the updated loan application. The sample response is as shown below:
{ "status": "SUCCESS", "response": [], "errorMessage": null, "errorCode": "NO_ERROR", "content": [ { "attributes": { "type": "loan__Loan_Account__c", "url": "/services/data/v32.0/sobjects/loan__Loan_Account__c/a1WG00000050j5pMAA" }, "Name": "LAI-00024354", "loan__Loan_Status__c": "Active - Good Standing", "loan__Payment_Tolerance_Start_Date__c": "2014-11-28", "loan__Last_Transaction_Timestamp__c": "2014-11-28T18:11:17.000+0000", "loan__Pmt_Amt_Cur__c": 94.62, "Id": "a1WG00000050j5pMAA", "loan__Payment_Tolerance_Rate__c": 6, "loan__Payment_Tolerance_End_Date__c": "2014-12-23", "loan__Last_Transaction_Type__c": "Payment Tolerance Change" } ] }