Portal Framework
No more communityPrefix in NavigationJSON
CommunityPrefix is read from the backend and stored in userInfo.
More third-party JS libraries are removed from the bundle portal.min.js and builder.min.js
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato&subset=latin,latin-ext"/>
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"/>
<script src="../../soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../soap/ajax/29.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjs/3.13.3/math.min.js"></script>
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<script crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
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<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-transition-group/2.2.1/react-transition-group.min.js"></script>
2.7.1 to 2.8 DOM Changes
<div class="control"><div class="input-main">…
<div class="entries"><div class="record-container"><div data-style-id="record">...
Portal Utility
node builder-loader.js <username> <password> <securityToken>
To load the navigation JSONs, component JSONs, and default layouts under
to a specific SFDC org.Security token is optional.
For example
node builder-loader.js min@portaltraining.com merc1235 XF7Rx0NGnnRWuJ3izSZhG5S1
node builder-loader.js <username> <password> <securityToken> true
For sandbox
node builder-cleaner.js
To check unused builder-related component JSONs that are not referred by any builder-related navigation JSON.
The following 2 converters convert the branding configuration of existing portal applications from 2.7 to 2.8, which will be moved to VF page eventually.
node builder-converter-27-to-271.js <username> <password> <securityToken>
node builder-converter-271-to-28.js <username> <password> <securityToken>
Portal Modularization
Remove cross-actor dependency
Actors can get value from the current stage prerequisites.
Actors can set the value to the current stage prerequisites through assignments
"property": {
"structureName": "account_detail_view",
"whereClause": { "accountId": "$currentStage.attr(highlightedAccountId);" }
"generalHandlers": {
"clickRecord": {
"assignments": [{
"field": "$currentStage.attr(highlightedAccountId);",
"value": "$args[0].attr(id);"
"successHandler": {
"assignments": [{
"field": "$currentStage.attr(highlightedAccountId);",
"value": "$result.attr(id);"
List / queue / card views may have autoHighlightedId, which supports variables.
"appearance": {
"autoHighlightedId": "$currentStage.attr(highlightedAccountId);",
Steps / Tabs Enhancements
Steps / Tabs may have unique names.
Steps / Tabs may have componentActions, which may belong to specific steps/tabs.
Appearance | Component |
| Copy
can be assigned not only a number value as tab/step index but also a string value as the unique tab/step name.Of course, the tab/step with the unique name should be visible (
should be true).
URL: https://.../demo?startStep=dInfo
"global": { "startStep": "$url(startStep);" }
"current": "$global.attr(startStep);",
"titles": [
{ "name": "bInfo", "title": "Borrower Information" },
{ "name": "cbInfo", "title": "Co-Borrower Information" },
{ "name": "dInfo", "title": "Documents" },
{ "name": "sInfo", "title": "Summary" }
Cross-Actor Validation
See Actor Validation.
Query Default New
Actor will get and display a new record if it cannot retrieve any existing record from the backend
"structureName": "account_detail_view",
"tableName": "account",
"whereClause": { "freeForm": "id = ':accountId'" },
"property": {
"whereClause": { "accountId": "$global.attr(highlightedAccountId);" },
"structureName": "account_detail_view",
"queryWithDefaultNew": true
Builder Loader Enhancement
When executing builder-loader.js from the command line, the first two arguments are username and password to a SFDC org
The rest three named arguments are optional
Org's security token: token=n1UdUj31razvjVRmuEsmHCYt3
Sandbox or not: sandbox=true (If sandbox is true, the login URL is https://test.salesforce.com)
namespace prefix: prefix=testApplication (__ added at the end automatically if not provided)
If prefix is not specified, the default namespace prefix is clcommon__
If prefix is set as prefix=, the namespace prefix is an empty string.
For example
$ node builder-loader.js min@portal.playground merc1237 prefix=testApplication token=n1UdUj31razvjVRmuEsmHCYt3
$ node builder-loader.js min@portal.playground merc1237 prefix=sandbox=true token=n1UdUj31razvjVRmuEsmHCYt3
Mui Branding
2.9 upgrade: clcommon__css_configuration__c
layoutMapping > ClsAppLayoutOne > styleSpecification
, changepath
to categoryRefer to the latest
Only keep
Refer to the latest
Style converter (Mui Only)
node builder-converter-29-to-210.js username password token=token pageId=pageId
For example
node builder-converter-29-to-210.js min.wu-tfb-dev@q2ebanking.com merc1235 token=XWu8vjvKR7HH13JO5cAHszis3 pageId=BorrowerPortal
Performance improvement when saving Portal framework using Portal Builder
When saving a Portal, with more than 800 actors and/or more than 400 actions, the process of saving became prolonged and resulted in APEX timeout issues. This occurred because the Portal was passing all actors and actions to the back-end to re-create the entire Portal Configuration Document.
In Portal Framework version 4.4, only the newly added or modified actors, actions, component structures, and static contents are passed to the back-end to update the Portal Configuration Document upon selecting Save. This enhancement significantly reduces the time in saving the Portal configurations to the back-end.
To enable this functionality, a new flag called dirtyActor
is introduced. This flag indicates whether an actor, action, component structure, or static content has been altered or remains unchanged during development. This is then used to pass only the changed configurations to the back-end when the Portal Administrators select Save.
A Portal was tested twice with a Portal Configuration Document of 4.03 MB in size with the JSON structure of the Portal Configuration Document having 1140 actions, 680 actors, 1 navigation structure, 48 static contents, 280 component structures, 9 disclosure definitions, and 1 CSS configuration. The Portal worked without throwing any errors or issues and reached the following CPU time limits:
Maximum CPU Time | Maximum Heap Size |
3811 out of 10000 | 0 out of 6000000 |
4006 out of 10000 | 0 out of 6000000 |
Updatable Field (Ext only)
Using Ext renderer, the portal framework should rarely update the field value. The field value should be updated by the JS layer.
However, there are use cases that changing one field needs to update the value of another field through the
handler. In this case, the field should be marked asextUpdatable
in the actor's appearance
Release Available | Status | Framework Type |
3.2 | Current | TBC |
"appearance": {
"extUpdatable": [ ... ]
Amex Tooltip Enhancement
Support tooltip placement
is the default placement
Release Available | Status | Framework Type |
3.3 | Current | TBC |
Application Map
Release Available | Status | Framework Type |
3.6 | Current | MUI & Mint |
4.3 | Current | MUI & Mint |
Under the Global Settings, clicking Application Map opens a left-hand sidebar that includes the stage and actor structure of the portal application.
Need to update the builder configuration using
node builder-loader.js username password token=security_token
Actors are grouped by stages.
If an actor is in a certain stage, clicking the actor goes to the corresponding stage.
If an actor is in a certain tab/step, clicking the actor opens the corresponding tab/step.
Note:You may need to scroll to see the tab/step
If an actor is in a certain overlay, clicking the actor opens the corresponding overlay.
Data in actors may not be properly loaded because, in the real application flow, the data in an actor may depend on another actor.
With the Portal 4.3 release, a search bar is available at the top of the Application Map that allows you to search for stages, actors, and overlays. The search text is highlighted within the Application Map while typing.