A handler specifies what happens when a normal action is triggered or response or failure is received after a save, submit or upload action is triggered.
Handler parts
Each handler has the following four parts:
- assignments: assign the given values to certain fields
- updates: update certain fields using the given values through update methods
- next: next stage
- redirect: redirect outside to a different URL, for example, after a user is successfully authenticated at the login page.
Handler assignments
Default Value
An array of { “field”:..., “value”: … }
Assign the given values to certain fields. An array of { “field”:..., “value”: … }
, where
- field: a variable expression
An actor’s property or appearance
The current actor’s data
Other actor’s data
Global data
- value: a JS value or a variable expression
The arguments from built-in handlers
The remote response
An actor’s property or appearance
The current actor’s data
Other actor’s data
Global data
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
Initial | Current | TBC |
Implementation Example
The following handler assignment sets the URL of the document preview iframe using the attachment Id from the first record of the DocCat_Attachment children relationship.
"assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(PreviewPageInclude).property(url);", "value": "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=$this.attr(clcommon__DocCat_Attachment_Associations__r).attr(clcommon__Attachment_Id__c);" }]
In the following handler assignment, after the save action succeeds, the saved record is returned as a response. Use the Id of the saved record to query property (whereClause.recordId
) the data in FinancialDetailView
and move to the second step of ApplicationSteps
"assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(FinancialDetailView).property(whereClause.recordId);", "value": "$result.attr(id);" }, { "field": "$nav(ApplicationSteps).appearance(current);", "value": 1 }]
In the following handler assignment, the remote API returns an array of all the children relationship records from DocCat_Attachment_Association
. Use the response to set the component’s children relationship data.
"assignments": [{ "field": "$this.attr(clcommon__DocCat_Attachment_Associations__r);", "value": "$result;" }]
In the following handler assignment, sessionId
is a global attribute specified in navigation JSON. Use it to query BorrowerCardView
and GuarantorCardView
and move to the third step of ApplicationSteps
"assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(BorrowerCardView).property(whereClause.Guest_Account__c);", "value": "$global.attr(sessionId);" }, { "field": "$nav(GuarantorCardView).property(whereClause.Guest_Account__c);", "value": "$global.attr(sessionId);" }, { "field": "$nav(ApplicationSteps).appearance(current);", "value": 2 }]
The following handler assignment uses the ID of the first record in the current component to query property (whereClause.recordId
)the data in BorrowerDetailView
"assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(BorrowerDetailView).property(whereClause.recordId);", "value": "$this.attr(id);" }, { "field": "$nav(ApplicationSteps).appearance(current);", "value": 0 }]
The following handler assignment sets BorrowerDetailView
’s whereClause
to null
so that the component displays a new view.
"assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(BorrowerDetailView).property(whereClause);", "value": null }]
In the following handler assignment, clickRecord
is a built-in handler in component actor. It takes the record being clicked as the first and only argument. Use the Application__c
value in the first argument (a clicked record) to set the query.
"clickRecord": { "assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(BusinessDocumentQueueView).property(whereClause.applicationId);", "value": "$args[0].attr(genesis__Application__c);" }], "trigger": "APPLICATION_DETAILS" }
The following handler assignment uses the response from a remote API ($result;) to set data of a component.
"componentActions": [{ "name": "save", "actionType": "submit", "remoteActionClassname": "sampleRemoteApi", "successHandler": { "assignments": [{ "field": "$nav(ApplicationSteps).appearance(current);", "value": 1 }, { "field": "$state(FinancialDetailView);", "value": "$result;" }] } }]
Handler updates
Default Value
An array of { “name”: …, “value”: … }
Update certain fields using the given values through update methods. Sometimes, we need to update values based on what they are. Then we cannot use assignments. Updates are for special cases ONLY. (We have three built-in updates so far.)
- Add reloads:
with an actorName or an array of actorNames - Add overlay (modal dialogs):
with a layout name or an array of layout names - Remove overlay (modal dialogs):
with a layout name or an array of layout names(need it because some actions (not the built-in close button) in the overlay can cause it to close.)
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
Initial | Current | TBC |
Implementation Example
In the following handler update, after the save succeeds, mark reload
to the two actors, the BorrowerCardView
and the GuaranterCardView
. When we display those actors again, they will query the data from the server (even though they have data already since the data is considered stale) and remove their own reload
"successHandler": { "assignments": [...], "updates": [{ "name": "$nav.reloads.add;", "value": [ "BorrowerCardView", "GuarantorCardView" ] }] }
In the following handler update, overlay
is an array
of layouts
, which specifies all modal dialogs that can be open in the current stage.
"ApplciationDetailPage": { "layout": {...}, "overlay": [{ "name": "preview", "children": [{ "name": "PreviewPageInclude" }] }] }
In the following handler update, when the preview action is triggered, the preview
layout in the overlay
is added to the current overlay array, and thus displayed as a modal dialog. By default, the overlay array is empty, and thus no modal dialog is displayed.
"recordActions": [{ "name": "preview", "actionType": "normal", "handler": { "assignments": [...], "updates": [{ "name": "$nav.overlay.add;", "value": "preview" }] }...
Handler next and redirect
Default Value
Can be variable expression too
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
Initial | Current | TBC |
"componentActions": [{ "name": "login", "actionType": "submit", "label": "Log In", "remoteActionArguments": { "username": "$this.attr(username);", "password": "$this.attr(password);" }, "remoteActionAPIname": "login", "successHandler": { "redirect": "$result;" } }] “redirect”: url “redirect”: { “url”: url, “target”: “_blank” }
Handler Triggering Actions
Default Value
Handler from one action can conditionally trigger other actions (in the same or different actors)
- The triggered action can be rendered false.
- But the actor has to be in the current stage.
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
2.8 | Current | TBC |
successHandler: { "assignments": […] "updates": […] "cruds": […] "actions": [ { "condition": "$result...", "actorName": …, "name": … } ] }
Implementation Example
"AccountDetails2": { "componentActions": [{ "name": "save", "actionType": "save", "successHandler": { "assignments": [{ "field": "$state(AccountDetail2);", "value": "$result;" }], "actions": [{ "actorName": "ContactList", "name": "saveContacts" }] } }]…} "ContactList": { "componentActions": [{ "name": "saveContacts", "actionType": "save", "appearance": { "render": false }, "remoteActionArguments": { "AccountId": "$state(AccountDetail2).attr(id);" }, }]…}
Assignment using JS
Default Value
The portal framework can be configured to trigger external JS code for certain use cases.
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
3.2 | Current | TBC |
Implementation Example
loan calculation – when the residual amount or term changes, update interest rate and monthly payment in real-time.
"generalHandlers": { "fieldChange": { "genesis__Residual_Amount__c, genesis__Payment_Frequency__c": { "assignments": [{ "field": "$this.attr(genesis__Interest_Rate__c);", "value": "$ext.calculateInterestRate", "arguments": [ "$this.attr(genesis__Residual_Amount__c);", "$this.attr(genesis__Payment_Frequency__c);" ] }, { "field": "$this.attr(genesis__Payment_Amount_Per_Period__c);", "value": "$ext.calculateMonthlyPayment", "arguments": [ "$this.attr(genesis__Residual_Amount__c);", "$this.attr(genesis__Payment_Frequency__c);" ] }]...
- The external JS function returns the value that can be assigned to another field in real-time.
portalext.calculateMonthlyPayment = (amount, term) => { const rate = calcInterestRate(amount, term); let calTerm = term/12; if (rate == 0) { return 0; } term = Number.parseInt(term); if (Number.isNaN(term)) { return 0; } let perRate = rate/12; return (amount * (perRate * (1+perRate) ** term)) / ((1+perRate) ** term - 1); };
Assignment with recordId
Assign a value to a specific record (not just the first record) in a list/queue/card view.
"assignments": [{ "field": "$global.attr(contactId);", "value": "$this.attr(id);" }]
Release Available | Status | Framework Name |
3.4 | Current | TBC |
Implementation Example
"assignments": [{ "field": "$state(ContactList).attr(AccountId);", "value": "$interaction.attr(highlighted).attr(id);", "recordId": "$global.attr(contactId);"}],