Disclosures fully functional with keyboard
Disclosure description is tabbable and read by screen readers
Disclosure checkbox comes with aria-label="Disclosure acknowledgment"
No configuration change
Dialogs fully functional with keyboard
Dialog title is tabbable and read by screen readers
Dialog content is tabbable and read by screen readers
Dialog confirm and cancel buttons are tabbable and have aria-labels "Confirm button" and "Cancel button" respectively
No configuration change
Images fields can now be fully configured in builder
Images tabbable and alt-text read by screen reader
Alt-text for images configurable in builder
Image src configurable in builder
"id": "a09a252f-7e24-4dd7-9ea6-cc2fec53564b",
"fieldName": "AccountNumber",
"fieldUi": {
"fieldType": "image",
"label": "Account Number",
"defaultValue": "",
"imageAltText": "Lorem picsum picture" }
Link fields can be fully configured in builder
Links tabbable
Link aria-labels added to builder
Supports $ variables (E.g. $global.attr(websiteName);)
Read by screen-reader over actual link text
Works with relation fields (I.e. "clcommon__Navigation_Structure__r.Name")
"id": "49062480-f0ea-4e03-acfe-1ec31eb354d1",
"fieldName": "Name",
"fieldUi": {
"fieldType": "link",
"label": "Account Name",
"defaultValue": "Link to Google",
"linkTemplate": "$global.attr(google);",
"ariaLabel": "Google link" }
Range Slider
Range Slider accessibility limitations due to material-ui v3
Range Slider TextField not tabbable
Page-include fully configurable in builder
ariaLabel attribute to content property
aria-label tag added to iframe
Static Content
Static Content fully configurable in builder
ariaLabel attribute to content property (same attribute used in page-include)
aria-label tag added to div containing static content
Property: {
"ariaLabel": "Page-include or static content aria label"}
New attribute ariaLabel added to action configuration
"ariaLabel": "Insert aria label here"
Screen reader will read aria-label over label text
Menu buttons are identified as popup buttons by screen readers
Action tooltip will be read by screen reader in addition to aria-label
"name": "next1",
"actionType": "upload",
"property": {},
"appearance": {
"style": "primary",
"label": "Next",
"position": "bottom-right" },
"successHandler": {},
"failureHandler": {},
"pendingHandler": {},
"handler": {},
"ariaLabel": "Upload"}
headerField used only by List-view
Appearance: {
"accessibility": {
"ariaLabel": "aria label for component actors" "headerField": "AnnualRevenue"
List view
List-view table is tabbable
List-view aria-label configurable in builder
Table row header configurable in appearance JSON, if none specified, first field becomes row header
When entries are selectable, checkbox will reference headerField on that row
Select all checkbox comes with dynamic aria-labels denoting if all checkboxes are checked
Pagination buttons comes with hard-coded aria-labels
Sortable fields have dynamic aria-labels defining direction of sort
Queue view
Queue-view list is tabbable
Queue-view aria-label configurable in builder
Selectable checkboxes labelled by Primary & Secondary text
Pagination buttons comes with hard-coded aria-labels
Grouping introduces aria-label linking using ids to give meaning groups for screen readers. Groups are referenced by their group titles
Collapsible groups come with dynamic aria-label to denote whether group is collapsed or expanded
Sorting not accessible
Card view
Card-view grid is tabbable
Card-view aria-label configurable in builder
Selectable checkboxes has aria-labels referencing cardTitle & cardSubtitle
Pagination buttons comes with hard-coded aria-labels
Grouping introduces accessible grouping. This allows screen readers to know what cards are a part of which group
Collapsible groups come with dynamic aria-label to denote whether group is collapsed or expanded. Group level and record level
Sorting not accessible
Detail view
Detail-views are tabbable
Detail-view aria-label configurable in builder
Form fields
Form fields have unique ids formed by their recordId and fieldId
This allows for quicker accessibility configuration relating to List-view, queue-view, etc
Form fields have aria-labels configured in builder
Aria-labels are excluded for TextFields since TextFields are accessibile by default through material UI
Note:Picklist, multipicklist, and range slider are excluded from above due to limitations of material ui v3
Reference JSON configuration from Link accessibility