Application Stages and Tasks
Complex loan and lease applications typically go through multiple stages/departments where they are reviewed and processed before they are finally approved/rejected. At every stage, a user has to perform a defined set of tasks and approvals. As per the organization's requirements, a system administrator can define the stages and the order in which the stages must complete the predefined tasks and monitors the application's progress. On the application dashboard, you can see the stages, queues, and status of tasks assigned to each queue. Queue tasks can include the collection of documents, approvals, financial reviews, site visits, and contract generation and signatures. An application moves to the next stage only after all the mandatory tasks of a stage are completed.
For details on how to configure the stages and tasks for an application, see the Dashboard Setup section in Q2 Origination Administration Guide.
Tasks can be of the following types:
Manual: The user needs to manually mark them as completed. By default, all tasks are marked as Manual.
Automated: Automated tasks include pulling credit, generating documents, and obtaining electronic signatures. These tasks are automatically marked as completed after the completion criteria are fulfilled. Also, if a policy condition is associated with an automated task, the configured automated task gets resolved and marked as completed when the policy condition is satisfied.
Context-specific: Tasks can also be associated with specific contexts - specifically borrowing entities and collateral, and automatically associate tasks with specific records when tasks are generated for an application. For example, tasks like, Perform Identity Verification, or Pull Credit Report may need to be generated for all the borrowing entities in the application.
Criteria-based: Criteria-based tasks are linked to specific execution criteria. The execution criteria determine whether the task must be applied to the application or not. If an application does not meet the criteria, that task is not applied to it.
The stages through which an application must pass for completion are defined in the App Launcher > Origination Configuration > Dashboard Setup > Product Department Task Association.
The tasks associated with each stage are defined in the App Launcher > Origination Configuration > Dashboard Setup > Product Department Task Association, in the order of priority.
The tasks that satisfy the criteria are defined in the App Launcher > Origination Configuration > Task Template> Task Setup > Select Task Setup Name > Related > Task Generation Criteria.
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, select an application.
The application dashboard for the selected application is displayed.
On the application dashboard, select Required Actions.
The Required Actions window is displayed with the following information:
Tasks Statistics: Shows the number of mandatory tasks, optional tasks, and exceptions that require their attention to process the loan application.
Current Stage: The stage at which the application currently is.
Current Status: The status of the application.
Tasks: The Tasks section displays the various stages of the loan origination process, the tasks that are associated with the logged-in user and the queue, and the exception tasks. There is a queue associated with each of the stages. The application moves to different stages as it progresses in the loan origination process, and based on the stage movement, the application is assigned to the correct queue. The users of the respective queue can accept the application and work on it. Once an application is created, it is assigned to the default queue where it belongs. Tasks are generated for the assigned stage when a user accepts the application from the queue and assigned to one of the following based on how tasks are configured:
Queue: For the tasks that are configured to be assigned to a queue, they are assigned to their respective queues.
Specific User: For the tasks that are configured to be assigned to a specific user, the tasks are assigned to the specified user.
Application Owner: For the tasks that are not configured to be assigned to a queue or a specific user, if the application owner belongs to the application department queue/role, the tasks are generated and assigned to the application owner.
Expand the current stage section to view all the tasks under it.
The tasks associated with the current stage for the logged-in user and the queue are displayed. Tasks are the actions needed to process an application, such as Identity Verification, Documents Collection, Approval, Financial reviews, Site visits, Contract generation, and Signatures. An application moves to the next stage only after all the mandatory tasks of a stage are completed.
In the Tasks section, the following information is displayed for each task:
Field Name Description If a task is approaching the due date or crossed the due date, one of the following symbols is shown for an incomplete or open task:
- This symbol is displayed when a task is due in the next two days. When a user hovers over the symbol, the number of days left from the task due date is displayed in the help text.
- This symbol is displayed when a task has crossed the due date and is overdue. When a user hovers over the symbol, Task Overdue is displayed in the help text.
Note:This column appears only when a minimum of one task is either approaching the due date or is overdue.
Task Name Name of the task as configured. Type The type of the task. A task can be of one of the following types:
Mandatory: These are required to complete before an application can be moved to the next stage.
Optional: These are optional, and an application can move to the next stage without completing these tasks.
Status The status of the task can be either OPEN or COMPLETED.
Owner Based on who owns the task, one of the following is shown as the owner:
The name of the person to whom the task is assigned.
To be claimed: When a task is assigned to a queue and not yet claimed by any of the queue members.
Unassigned: If a queue is not explicitly configured for the task.
Queue Name of the queue for the tasks that are configured to be assigned to a queue. Related To Based on the object with which the task is associated, one of the following information is displayed:
Account or Contact name: If the task is associated with the party object.
Collateral name: If the task is associated with application collateral.
Blank: If the task is associated with the application.
Link A link to navigate to the Salesforce task user interface and view the task details. By default, the tasks that are assigned to and the tasks that can be claimed by the logged-in user appear on the Required Actions dialog box. If a user wants to view other tasks or wants to filter the listed tasks, from the list of tasks, a user can filter the tasks based on any of the filter criteria described in the following tale:
Note:The filters are applied only to the active department or stage.
When a user applies filters for Queue and Owner, the results are displayed for both. For example, if a user applies filters for the Q1 queue under Queue and Assigned under Owner, it will display all the tasks assigned to the current user and also, the tasks assigned to the Q1 queue even if they are not assigned to the current user.
Filter criteria Description Status A user can filter tasks based on their status. The following filter options are available:
Queue A user can filter tasks based on the assigned queues. Type A user can filter tasks based on the type of tasks. The following filter options are available:
Owner A user can filter tasks based on the owners of the tasks. The following filter options are available:
Assigned To Me: Showing all the tasks assigned to the logged-in user.
Unassigned: Showing all the tasks that are unassigned and are available for claiming.
To claim a task that is assigned to a queue, select the checkbox for a task with the owner as To be claimed or Unassigned, and then select Claim Selected.
Note:To claim a task, the user must be a member of the queue to which the task is assigned.
A user can select more than one task to claim.
A Queue Admin is not required to claim tasks and can mark any task as Completed that is already claimed by any other queue member.
The date and time when a task is claimed are saved for reporting purposes.
A success message is displayed. Close the message box, and the selected task is claimed, and the owner changes to the logged-in user.
If for any reason, a user is unable to complete a task, the user can send the task back to the queue so that any other queue member can claim and complete the task. To release tasks back to the queue, perform the following steps:
Select the checkbox for the tasks with you as an owner and Status as Open, and then select Release Task.
Note:A user can only release tasks that were initially assigned to a queue and after a task is released, it goes back to the same queue.
A Queue Admin can release any tasks to the queue that are claimed by a queue member.
The tasks that are marked as Completed cannot be released back into the queue.
The date and time when a task is released back into the queue along with the notes are saved for reporting purposes.
In the Release Task(s) dialog box, in the Comments box, specify the notes or reason for moving the tasks back to the queue, and then select Release Task.
Note:If a user has selected more than one task to release to the queue, the same note is applied to all the tasks.
A success message is displayed. Close the message box, and the selected task is released to the queue and the owner changes to To be Claimed.
To mark tasks as completed, select the checkbox for the tasks, and then select Mark as Completed.
Note:You can select more than one task to mark them as completed.
You can mark only those tasks as completed for which you are the owner.
For any reason, if the owner of a task is not available, the manager of the task owner or the queue admin can mark the task as completed. The manager is the person whose name is specified as a manager in the Salesforce user configuration for the task owner.
The tasks that are marked as Completed cannot be released back into the queue.
A success message is displayed. Close the message box, and the status of the selected task changes to COMPLETED, and the row is greyed out.
To move the application to the next stage, after completing all the mandatory tasks, select Move to Next Stage.
Note:The Move to Next Stage button is enabled only when all the mandatory tasks are completed.
A success message is displayed. Close the message box, the application is moved to the next stage, and the following tasks for the next stage are generated:
For the tasks that are configured to be assigned to a queue, the tasks are generated and assigned to their respective queues.
For the tasks that are configured to be assigned to a specific user, the tasks are generated and assigned to the specified user.
For all other tasks, if the current application owner belongs to the queue/role configured for the next application department, the tasks are generated for that user.
For all other tasks, if the application does not have an owner or if the current application owner does not belong to the queue/role configured for the next application department, the tasks are not generated until the application is assigned to an owner who belongs to the queue/role configured for the next application department.
If you want to release an application back to the queue, select Release Application to Queue.
Note:When application workflows are routed through queues and a user from the queue picks up the application, but the user is not able to proceed with the completion, then they have the option of releasing the application back to the queue.
When releasing an application to a queue, the queue configured and completed tasks will be retained and the incomplete tasks which are not configured for a queue will be archived.
For any reason, if you want to move the application to the previous stage, select Push Back, and then in the Department List window, select the department checkbox to which you want to assign the application and select Save.
Note:This button is enabled only if there exists a previous stage.
The application must be assigned to an owner before moving it back to the previous stage.
All the completed tasks for which the "Retain completed Tasks" in "Task Setup" is selected will be retained with the same status and will appear in the Tasks section. All other tasks will be archived.
To create exception tasks, select Create Exception Task.
On the Add Exception Task page, provide the following details as required:
Assigned To user
Due Date Only
Send notification email to user
Note:The Send notification email to user checkbox is optional; you can select or deselect it based on whether you need to notify the user or not.
Select Save.
Once the exception task is saved, only the Description column is displayed, containing the description of the created exception task.
The created exception task is assigned to a user or queue, and a notification email is sent for the further process.
Close the Required Actions window.
Based on the actions you have performed in the Required Actions window, the Application Progress bar shows the updated application progress.