View Financial Statements and Projections
You can view the financial statements or projections that are captured for an account or collateral. The structure of these statements is driven by the templates that you need to create before starting to capture the statements.
For information on how to configure the template for the financial statements, see Financial Statement Template Configuration.
For information on how to capture the financial statements or projections, see Add Financial Statements and Projections for an Account.
Before you proceed to view the financial statement, ensure that the following prerequisite is met:
The financial statement is captured for the account or collateral.
To view a financial statement:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, and from the list of applications, select the required application.
Go to More> Financial Spreads> the subtabs (for example, balance sheet, go to Financial Spreads > Balance Sheet.)
The Financial Statement Analysis page is displayed.
Select the edit icon next to the account name.
Select Accountor Collateral in the Type list.
Select an account in the Accountslist or collateral in the Collaterals list for which you want to view the statement.
Select Ok.
All the captured statements for the selected account or collateral are displayed.
To add a new financial statement or projection statement, select ( Add New Statement/Projection Statement).
Selecting Add New Statement/Projection Statement displays a window with the Add New Statement and Projection Statement buttons.
To save a Financial Statement, select (Save Statement).
To view the statement in a new window, select (Open New Tab).
The statement opens in a new browser tab.
To view a specific statement, select (Select Statement), and then select the statement (if not selected) from the list.
To generate a Financial Statement PDF, select (Generate PDF). Selecting Generate PDF generates a PDF.
Note:If the Download Financial Statement PDF Locally checkbox is selected in the Financial Spread Configuration, the Financial Statement PDF gets downloaded into the local system.
If the Download Financial Statement PDF Locally checkbox is not selected, in the Financial Spread Configuration, the Financial Statement PDF gets downloaded in the document category and can be viewed in the Documents tab.
If the Enable Sensitivity Analysis checkbox is selected in the Financial Spread Configuration, the Sensitivity Analysis tab gets displayed on the Financial Spread page.
If the Enable Add Projection Statement checkbox is selected in the Financial Spread Configuration, the Add Projection Statement button gets displayed on the Financial Spread page.
The PDF must not include the rows that have 0 across all the selected years. For example, if total sales is specified as 0 for the years 2021 and 2022, and you are generating pdf for both years, then this line item (totalsales) will not be included in the pdf. This is only applicable to the balance sheets and income statements.
The pdf must include the additional line items added for the account or collateral.
In the Select Statement Type and Statement Periods window, specify the following details and select Generate Document:
The financial statement report is generated and uploaded on the Documents tab against the Financial Statements document category.
Field Name Description Select Statement Type Select the type of statement that you want to generate the pdf. You can select more than one statement type.
The supported options are:
- Balancesheet
- Income
- Ratio
- Cashflow
- UCA Cashflow
- Global Cashflow
The mentioned financial statements are available in the Select Statment Type picklist only if they are marked as true for 'Enable PDF Download' in the Financial Spread Details Configuration. For more information, see Q2 Origination Administration Guide > Financial Spread Details Configuration.
Select Statement Year Select the year for which you want to generate the pdf. You can select more than one statement year. Document Name This field allows you to provide a name for the Financial Spread document for which you are generating a PDF.
Note:This field is completely optional.
Common Sizing Select this checkbox if you want to display the percentage value (calculated for the line items based on the base value) in the pdf.
Note:Common Sizing is applicable only to Balance Sheets and Income statements.