Archived Task
The Archived Task page displays all the tasks that are archived for an application. In the following scenarios, the tasks generated or created with respect to an application get archived and are displayed on the Archived Task page:
When a party is deleted, the associated tasks of the deleted party get archived
When collateral is deleted, the associated tasks of the deleted collateral get archived
When the back-office user makes any changes to the application due to which the task generation criteria are not satisfied, the generated tasks get archived (if the task is not resolved).
For example, if the task generation criterion for an application is Term > 12, a task is generated. If the back-office user makes an edit and changes the value of Term to 6, the task generation criterion is not satisfied; hence, the already generated task is archived.
When a back-office user moves the application back to a previous stage, all the tasks of the current stage get archived. (This is based on a configuration)
To view the archived task, perform the following steps:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Applications.
On the Applications tab, from the list of applications, select the required application.
The Loan Details are displayed.
The archived tasks are displayed.
Field Name Action and Description Search Tasks You can search for a task by specifying the department name, task name, or object name in this field. Department Name This field represents the department name to which the task was associated. Task Name This field represents the task name specified while defining the task template. Created Date This field represents the date on which the task is archived. Related To This field represents the object on which the task was generated. Show This field can be customized with the number of tasks to be displayed per page (up to 50).