Creating an app for the launchpad
You can create apps in addition to the default set of apps provided in Q2 Origination. An app can be created for a Skuid page, Visualforce page or a custom URL.
Perform the following steps to create a custom app:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Select Launchpad Apps in the main navigation bar.
Specify the Launchpad App Fields:
Provide a Name for the app. For example, Create Credit Memo.
Specify a Description of the app.
Select the Content Source Type. This can be Skuid Page, Visualforce Page, or Custom Url.
Specify the name of the Content Source. For example, if source type is Skuid Page, then, specify the Skuid page name.
In the Behaviour field, specify how the page must be displayed when a user selects on this app. For example, as a new tab, a new browser window, or as a detail page within the Launchpad page.
Optionally, provide the Visual Icon URL for the image for the app.
Select to Assign Roles to the App.
Select to Assign Profiles to the App.
Select Save.
Note:A user belonging to any of the selected roles or user profiles can use the app from the Launchpad.