Setting up the credit rating matrix
Depending upon the total score, an application can be put in a particular credit band which can help in the assessment of the application.
You can define various credit ratings in Q2 Origination and then, using the process builder, assign an application a particular rating depending on a score range.
Credit rating can also affect pricing and you can define this too in Q2 Origination. For example, you can give a loan of $50,000 @12% for a year to a borrower with the top most rating of A+, whereas only $10,000 @12% for a year to a borrower who falls in the lowest credit rating grouping.
Perform the following steps to set up a credit rating matrix:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to Origination Configuration > Credit and Pricing Setup > Credit Setup.
Select Credit Rating Matrix.
In the page that is displayed, select New Credit Rating Matrix.
Specify the Credit Matrix Rating Name. For example, A.
Select Save&New to define the required ratings. Or, select Save to save the matrix name and exit.