Reports and dashboards
As an administrator, you can create report types and report formats as per the business requirements of your organization. You can also define the report types which are available to specific users to create reports with.
Defining report types
You can define custom report types that combine different standard and custom objects and use their fields as the different columns of the report.
Perform the following steps to define a report type:
Log in to your Salesforce application
Go to Setup > Build> Create > Report Types.
Select Continue in the overview page that appears, and select New Custom Report Type.
Select the Primary Object. This is the object that is the focus of the report type you are creating. For example, to report on some aspect of your loan applications, select Applications.
Specify a Report Type Label, or name. For example, Applications with Changes, for a report that fetches all applications where change memos have been submitted. The Report Type Name is automatically generated.
Provide a Description to indicate the purpose of the report.
Select the location to store the report in the Store in Category field. For example, Administrative Reports.
Specify the Deployment Status. A Deployed status means users can create reports with this report type.
Select Next.
Associate any other object that you want the system to check for along with the primary object. For example, along with Application object, you may specify the related object Change Memos. With this association, the Change Memo details are also fetched in the report.
Select the A to B Relationship. This option specifies whether only the primary objects that have the secondary object must be fetched in the report or records must be fetched irrespective of whether the secondary object exists. For example, fetch only the applications that have a change memo, or fetch applications irrespective of whether a change memo exists for them.
Select Save. The new report type details are displayed, and you can edit the object relationships at this stage too, along with the report layout.
Select Edit Layout to specify the fields of the selected objects you want in the report. By default all fields for the selected objects are listed. You can drag the fields you do not want into the Application Fields list on the right.
Select Save. Now, when a user creates a new report, the Applications with Changes report is visible in the available list of report types.
Defining access to report types
Perform the following steps to set up the access to different report types:
In your Q2 Origination application, select Reports in the main menu bar. The Reports and Dashboards page is displayed.
Select Create New Report.
Select the Select Report Type to Hide check box in the Create New Report page.
Expand the required report type list. All available report types are marked with a green tick mark. All hidden report types have a X against them.
Select on a report type name to toggle between hide or unhide state, as required.
De-select the Select Report Types to Hide check box to come out of the edit mode. Now, when you expand the Report Type head that you edited, the report type you have hidden is not displayed in the list of available report types.