Multiple address support
Data related to the application attributes are integrated or shared with the third-party systems as per the business requirements. During a scheduled data integration or hand off related to the address with the third-party system, multiple addresses are displayed on the application. Effective management of address is challenging with multiple addresses being associated with an account or contact. The Salesforce addresses are used at the account level (Billing and Shipping address) and at the contact level (Current, Mailing, and Previous address).
With the Lithium release, all the addresses associated with the account and the contact are stored as a common address. If the associated address is a previous address (not a current address or shipping address), it is associated with a time period. Multiple previous addresses can be added. This helps in the effective management of addresses if the account is associated with multiple addresses.
Multiple Address Support on Application
To update multiple addresses on an application:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Q2 Origination.
On the Applications tab, select the required application ID.
On the Accounts tab, select the account name.
To add or edit the Shipping or Billing address, in the Details section, select , and then select Save.
By default, Copy Common Address To Standard Address is not selected. The Salesforce standard address is copied as the primary address. Or else, the CL Common Address is set to the primary address.