Customizing and assigning the home page
Every package from Cloud Lending Solution offers you a standard home page layout. You can customize a layout as per your requirement, or create a new home page layout. You can also develop custom components for including in the Home page, in addition to the components provided by Cloud Lending Solutions. A custom component includes any custom links that you define in Salesforce and want to be available for use on the application page. For example, if your users require to access three company pages to update loan contract statistics, you can include these as custom links, create a custom component for them, and then include the component in the home page layout.
You can assign different layouts to users based on their user profile. Any changes you make to the layout are reflected in the assigned users' home page automatically.
It is recommended that you update the layout to the MFiFlex layout to display the branch and system date in your application.
The following are the prerequisites to customizing home page layouts:
- A Salesforce account is created.
- CL Loan package is installed.
- Company and users are created, to assign page layouts to users
The Search, Recent Items, and Messages and Alerts components are selected by default.
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Click your Username.
Click Setup.
Go to Build, Customize, Home.
To create a home page layout:
Click Home Page Layouts.
The Home Page Layouts page listing any custom home page layouts you have created is displayed.
Click New.
Optionally, select an Existing Home Page Layout to clone, for creating your home page layout.
Specify the Custom Home Page name.
Select the required components and click Next.
Specify the arrangement of the components and click Save to save the layout, or Save & Assign to save the layout and assign it to users. Go to Step 8 to assign the users.
To add custom links:
Click Custom Links - to add links or buttons on a home page layout.
The Custom Links page is displayed. Any custom links you have defined are listed here.
Click New.
Specify the Label of the new link and tab out of the field. For example, EmpTable. The Name field is auto updated by the API name of the label.
Select the Protected Component checkbox if this component is not to be used in your wider org using custom code. A protected component is visible or available only to the CL Loan package. Refer to Protected Component help for more information.
Provide a brief Description of the custom link. For example, Link to employee database file, to update user profile details.
Specify the Behaviour of the link when the link or button is clicked. For example, whether it should open in a new window, or a defined Javascript code must be executed.
Specify the Content Source. For example, select whether the content to be displayed is a URL, Visualforce page or a Javascript code snippet.
Specify the details based on step g.) here. For example, specify the URL, or the Visualforce page name, or the script to be run. You can also build the code using the field and syntax options provided. For example, you can build a script to pick up the user profile information, access the Employee database file, look for the user, update the profile information, save the file, and exit.
Click Save.
To add components to an existing Home page layout:
Click Home Page Components.
The Home Page Components page is displayed, with a list of standard and custom components currently included on the Home page.
Click New.
Specify the component Name.
Select the component Type., such as, Visualforce page, link, or image.
Click Next. Custom components that are currently hidden and available, or included in the home page, are displayed. For example, LMS - Branch and Date, or, Update Employee Database from step 6.h.)
To assign users to a home page layout:
Navigate to Build, Customize, Home, Home Page Layouts.
Click Page Layout Assignment.
The complete list of user profiles and their assigned home page layout is displayed. The default layout is assigned to a user profile unless you specifically assign a custom layout.
Click Edit and change the home page assignment for the required user profiles. The drop down list displays all defined home page layouts.
Click Save.