Configuring CL Loan using CL Loan setup wizard
The CL Loan Setup wizard helps you manage and edit the configurations for lending products, any certain custom settings, fractionalization, multi ACH, bank setup, and batch jobs. Every time the wizard is accessed, it displays the current setup for the aforementioned items and provides you an option to edit the current setups or add new setups. For organization level custom settings, it displays the current organization parameters and transaction approval configuration and you can choose to edit these at the organization level.
The CL Loan Setup Wizard offers a guided setup to help you configure and set up the various components in CL Loan, post installation.
Some steps such as setting up the system date, org parameters, transaction clearance settings, and creating a default company are initially completed when CL Loan is installed. Using the installer wizard you can configure the following setups:
- Lending Product
- Settings including Org Parameters and, API Configurations
- Fractionalization
- Bank Setup
- Batch Jobs
As a system administrator or implementation consultant, you can track changes in multiple configuration objects to modify or add a business process.
As part of the installation steps, the wizard provides users with the following:
- Step by step guide and information on the CL Loan concepts
- Section and field level help text
- Step by step progression using the Next button
The following are the prerequisites to use the setup wizard for configuring CL Loan:
- CL Loan and CL Loan Setup Wizard are installed
- User is a system administrator
- User is familiar with Salesforce administration
Once you install the ‘CL Loan Setup Wizard’ application, it is displayed along with the CL Loan and Salesforce applications. Upon its selection, it opens a tab with the same name.
Perform the following steps to launch the wizard:
Click the CL Loan Setup Wizard.
Click “Enable my Domain” in the top right corner of the page. This step is mandatory for the wizard to function properly.
Perform the following steps to create a domain:
To enable the domain in your Salesforce Org, navigate to Setup, Domain Management, My Domain.
Enter a domain name.
Click Check Availability. If the domain name is taken, choose a different one.
Select the checkbox to agree to Terms and Conditions.
Go back to the CL Loan Setup Wizard tab and Click Register Domain. You should get an email in a few minutes confirming your domain registration.
Logout and login to the Salesforce account after enabling the domain.
Click the CL Loan Setup Wizard.
Click the “Click here to Launch CL Loan Setup Wizard” to launch the CL Loan Setup Wizard.
The wizard opens up with an Overview page.
The Overview page of the wizard provides the configuration status of each section of the installer wizard. As you complete each configuration, its completion status is updated here.
The other configurations listed in this page are advanced settings, which you may configure, but these are not mandatory for completing the setup. The Help Guide on the right hand side of the page describes each section, and field.
At any time, you can navigate to the CL Loan Home page using the Home icon on the top of every page.