Implement a Custom Fee
During the contract tenure, many kinds of fees may be applied to a loan, such as late fees, pre-payment fees, and NSF fees. On most occasions these fees have a fixed value. However, there may be scenarios where you may have a specific mechanism to compute the value of the fee. For example, you may define a custom fee calculation as: % of payment amount + % of principal balance. Or, % of payment amount * no of terms remaining.
CL Loan offers an extension point using which the calculation of the fee can be customized in a customer org. This functionality leverages the template method pattern that lets you redefine certain aspects of an algorithm in downstream subclasses. This pattern implements plugin-style object-oriented frameworks so that the behavior of the plugin can be picked at run time through dynamic dispatch.
For example, default fee calculation is implemented as:
public class FeeCalculator implements FeeCalculator{ public
Decimal computeFee(Fee__c fee, Loan_Account__c loan){ // default implementation... } }
Based on the algorithm you need to define for calculating the custom fee amount, the default behavior is overwritten as:
/* note that this class MUST be global because it will be called from the base package*/ global class CustomFeeCalculator implements loan.CustomFeeCalculator { // loan is the namespace //the method must be global as well global Decimal computeFee(Fee__c fee, Loan_Account__c loan){ //loan__ is the namespace // perform custom calculation here } }
- Only one custom fee calculation can be set up org wide. The lender needs to specify the fee calculation algorithm at the time of CL Loan implementation.
- Custom fees are billed as charges.
The following is a prerequisite to setting up a custom fee:
- A fee with Fee Calculation Method as Custom is included in the fee set attached to the contract.
Perform the following steps to set up the custom fee calculation:
- Log in to your Salesforce account.
- Click Setup.
- Go to Build, Develop, Apex Classes.
- Create Apex Class which implements 'loan.CustomFeeCalculator'.
CustomFeeCalculator interface enforces to write following method: Decimal computeFee(Fee__c fee, Loan_Account__c loan)
Custom logic should go in this compute Fee method. Method should return Decimal value (actual fee amount). - Go to Setup, Build, Develop, Custom Settings, Manage Org Parameters.
- Set Apex Class name, created in step #10, in Custom Fee Calculator Class field in Org Parameters.
Sample Class:
public class SampleCustomFeeCalculator implements loan.CustomFeeCalculator {
public Decimal computeFee(Fee__c fee, Loan_Account__c loan) {
//Custom Algorithm implementation.
Decimal factor = loan.Frequency_of_Loan_Payment__c.equals(LoanConstants.LOAN_PAYMENT_FREQ_MONTHLY) ? 30 : loan.Frequency_of_Loan_Payment__c.equals(LoanConstants.LOAN_PAYMENT_FREQ_WEEKLY) ? 7 : 0;
//Calculate Fee Amount. return ValueUtil.round(0.01 * loan.Loan_Amount__c * loan.Number_of_Installments__c * factor / 360); }