Transaction Reversals
Every action performed on a loan contract is saved as a transaction in CL Loan. For example, creation of a charge, receipt of borrower payment, or rescheduling of the loan, are all considered transactions on the loan contract. You can view the list of possible transactions for a loan from the Loan Actions List under Quick Actions Menu on the loan contract. These are also available as buttons on the contract details page. For example, Billing and interest posting are seen as transactions for LOC loans but not for regular loans.
Apart from loan disbursal and payment transactions, a reversal can be done for the following loan actions. Reversal action for these is made available as buttons in the Other Transactions page.
Loan disbursal
Loan payment transaction
Interest rate change
Payment plan change
Loan extension
Principal adjustment
Payment amount change
Reversal of an LPT reduces the Interest, principal, and fee amounts that were paid by the LPT.
Some loan actions cannot be reversed, for example, a credit limit change for an LOC, a loan reschedule, or a due day change. Reschedule involves complete restructuring of the loan like a new one, on the current principal remaining, and the prior loan status or transactions have no bearing on the rescheduled loan. You can perform another reschedule to revert the loan to the original schedule. However, transactions processed in the old loan schedule cannot be reversed. Similarly, you can change the due day again to revert it to the original value.
You can only reverse the latest transaction on a loan. The Last Transaction Type field on the contract details page lists the last transaction performed on the loan, and the Last Transaction Timestamp indicates the time of the transaction. Therefore, you must reverse the transactions in reverse order in case other transactions have been posted after the transaction to be reversed. For example, if you want to reverse transaction A, and transaction B and C have been created after it, then you must first reverse transaction C, then B, to reverse transaction A. After each reversal, you see the preceding transaction as the latest. So, after you reverse transaction C, B is indicated as the last transaction, and after its reversal, A becomes the last transaction done on the loan and you can reverse it.
Manually updating the Reversed checkbox does not reverse a transaction or impact the loan contract. Therefore, a transaction must be reversed only through the reversal button or page.
When a reversal happens, the system tries to reverse the entire state of the loan, which includes the updates done on the loan contract and all its related objects. At times, this has to be scheduled or done manually. For example, when you reverse a payment, then any investor payouts that may have happened need to be reversed by running the Investor Payout Reversal job. But, the bills that were satisfied by the reversed payment are automatically updated to Uncleared.