Snapshot Abbreviations
This sections lists the abbreviations used in the Loan snapshot.
Snapshot | Abbreviation | Loan Field |
Payment and Bills | ||
NDD | Next Due Date | |
NDGD | Next Due Generation Date | |
CPA | Current Payment Amount | |
NRCD | Next Rate Change Date | |
TP | Today's Payoff | |
RAFNDD | Reserve Amount For Next Due | |
LPA | Last Payment Amount | |
LPD | Last Payment Date | |
LDD | Last Due Date | |
LAD | Last Accrual Date | |
INR | Interest Rate | |
LID | Last Interest Rate | |
ASD | Accrual Start Date | |
MDC | Current Maturity Date | |
CT | Current Term | |
LS | Loan Status | |
DPD | Days Past Due | |
DA | Delinquent Amount | |
ODD | Oldest Due Date | |
E | Excess | |
LTT | Last Transaction Type | |
LTTS | Last Transaction Timestamp | |
LTID | Last Transaction Id | |
IR | Interest Remaining | |
POD | Paid Off Date | |
FDD | First Delinquency Date | |
FR | Fees Remaining | |
PR | Principal Remaining | |
FP | Fees Paid | |
PP | Principal Paid | |
IP | Interest Paid | |
IW | Interest Waived | |
R | Rescheduled | |
D | Delinquent | |
PF | Payment Frequency | |
TDC | Total Due Charges | |
IAND | Interest Accrued Not Due | |
CLAD | Charge Accrual Last Date | |
CPA | Charge Paid | |
CIP | Charge Interest Paid | |
CID | Charge Interest Due | |
CPP | Charge Principal paid | |
CTP | Charge Tax Paid | |
CW | Charge Waived | |
CPW | Charg Principal Paid | |
CPW | Charge Interest Paid | |
# | Charge Delimiter | |
_ | Charge Separator | |
RS | Reschedule Status | |
IRE | Interest Rounding Error | |
IPTIA | IPT Interest Accrued | |
IPTIR | IPT Interest Remaining | |
IPTLAD | IPT Last Acrrual Date | |
IPTST | IPT Status | |
Deposit | ||
DPA | Deposit Amount | |
DPAC | Current Deposit Amount | |
DPR | Deposit Rate | |
DPRC | Current Deposit Rate | |
DPIA | Deposit Interest Accrued | |
DPIR | Deposit Interest Remaining | |
DPIP | Deposit Interest Paid | |
DPIPO | Deposit Interest Posted | |
DPP | Deposit Priority | |
DPS | Deposit Sequence | |
Holiday Schedule | ||
ED | End Date | |
HT | Holiday Type | |
IR | Is Recurring | |
SQ | Sequence | |
SD | Start Date | |
Repayment Plan | ||
DD | Due Day | |
ED | Effective Date | |
FRQ | Frequency | |
FM | Frequency Multiplier | |
NOP | Number Of Payments | |
PSD | Payment Start Date | |
PT | Payment Type | |
PA | Payment Amount | |
SN | Sequence Number | |
IPT | ||
NIPD | Next Interest Postng Date | |
LIPD | Last Interest Posting Date | |
NCD | Next Capitalization Date | |
IPE | Interest Posting Enabled | |
CE | Capitalization Enabled | |
FC | Fees Capitalized | |
IPO | Interest Posted | |
IC | Interest Capitalized | |
AI | Advance Interest Flag | |
ICED | IPT Cycle End Date | |
PPAMZ | Principal posted AMZ |