August 2023 Release Notes
1. Preface
This is a living document, and its contents may be updated often. Any changes to the contents of this document are listed in the Change record section. Make sure that you have the latest version for use.
The contents of this document are applicable to all the customers who have installed the latest version of Q2 OriginationAugust 2023 release for the first time or have upgraded from an earlier version. You can access the release notes of the previous releases from the Q2 Customer Portal.
1.1 Purpose of this document
This document provides information on the following for the August 2023 release:
1.2 Intended audience
The audience of this document includes business users, implementers, and system administrators.
1.3 Prerequisites for use
This document assumes a basic knowledge of the product concepts, the product release, and the Salesforce platform.
2. Installation information
Contact your Q2 Professional Services team or the Customer Success team for information on the package dependency and installation order of the packages required to install and set up the latest version of Q2 Origination.
3. Upgrade considerations
For information on the upgrade steps, see release-related steps in the Q2 Product Upgrade Guide.
4. System performance
To view the performance statistics for Q2 Origination without customizations under test conditions, see the Q2 Performance Benchmarking Guide.
5. New features and enhancements
This section briefly describes the new features and enhancements added in this release.
For a detailed description of the new features and enhancements, see the following guides published over the Q2 Customer Portal:
Q2 Origination User Guide
Q2 Origination Administration Guide
5.1 Covenant capabilities enhancements (Jira ID: GD-7388)
Feature Description
As part of enhancing the covenant's capabilities, we have made the following changes in the current release. These changes will help reduce the time spent in managing the covenants and also in centralizing the covenants evaluation process and the document management associated with them:
Covenants management at the account level:
Each covenant is now linked to an account for centralized management. This allows you to add, delete, edit, and view covenants at the account/customer level.
The covenant table and details are enhanced at both the application and account level, to ensure greater clarity.
Covenants addition to the application:
You can now select the covenants associated with an account and link those with new lending applications that are created from the same account. This is in addition to the capability of being able to add covenants using the preconfigured definitions.
The new custom covenant feature allows you to create covenants that are not tied to a predefined covenant definition. Instead, users can provide free text to capture any specific conditions or rules. This provides even more flexibility in managing your covenants.
Covenants documents management:
You can now link covenant definitions, document categories, and uploaded documents, which aids in their evaluation and closure.
A new page is introduced to manage the documents associated with each covenant evaluation centrally. This provides a more organized and efficient way to handle the covenant documents.
Covenants evaluation dashboard:
A new Covenant Evaluation Dashboard is introduced that allows you to manage the ongoing covenant evaluations and view the associated history across all loan accounts at the Financial Institution (FI) level.
The flexibility to manage the covenant evaluation workload within the team is introduced.
The covenant notifications are more streamlined to send actionable emails to borrowers during the evaluation cycle. This ensures timely and effective communication with borrowers.
Issues with the covenant evaluation records are fixed to ensure their accuracy and usability.
5.2 Financial Spread configuration enhancements (Jira ID: GD-7483)
Feature Description
As part of enhancing the Financial Spread configurations, we have made the following changes around the Financial Spread pages in the current release:
A new Financial Spread details tab is introduced at the account/customer level. This tab provides comprehensive information across various financial statements; Balance Sheet, Income, Ratio, Cash Flow, UCA Cash Flow, and Sensitivity Analysis.
A new financial statement locking feature is introduced, if enabled the financial statements gets locked and can not be edited.
New configurations are introduced to enable the FIs to specify which functionalities they wish to use across various tabs, including Balance Sheet, Income, Cashflow, UCA Cashflow, Ratio, Global DSC, and Sensitivity Analysis. The FIs can also customize their interface by selecting whether to enable the ‘Add Projection Statement’ and ‘Download PDF’ buttons or not.
The users can now provide a custom name to any files before downloading them from the Financial Spread pages.
The users can now edit the name of the statement detail on a financial statement on the Financial Spread pages.
A new action button is introduced which validates whether the assets and liabilities on the application match or not. To validate whether the assets and liabilities match or mismatch a relevant message gets displayed momentarily and then disappears automatically.
5.3 Storing of Policy Condition Rule result and Scorecard results enhancements (Jira ID: GD-7326)
Feature Description
As part of policy condition rule result execution and scorecard results, we have added the following changes in the current release:
A new enhancement is introduced to store the scorecard evaluation result details with the date and time stamp, which can be used to generate a report.
A new enhancement is introduced to store the policy condition information applied to the application. This enhancement not only stores the actual and configured values but also includes the date and timestamp of when these conditions were implemented.
5.4 FinCalc 4.0 (Jira ID: GD-7749)
Feature description
As part of FinCalc enhancement, the Financial Calculator has been upgraded to a higher version from 3.1 to 4.0. The Financial Calculator is used for the Payment computations and Repayment/Amortization schedule generation. This new enhanced financial calculator ensures the following:
Repayment/Amortization schedule generations are faster, irrespective of the tenor and frequency of the loan.
Multiple payment amount calculations for different payment amount attributes are faster.
Note:This enhanced Financial Calculator is by default available with all new installs of Q2 Origination from this release. To upgrade, contact your Q2 contact point.
5.5 Exception tasks enhancements (Jira ID: GD-7527)
In this release, a new feature is introduced to the exception task creation process. Now, when creating a new exception task within the required actions, the user can see an option to either select or deselect the “send notification email to user” checkbox as needed. Also, the users can now view the description associated with the exception tasks before they are selected for action.
5.6 Closed application event trigger (Jira ID: GD-7495)
When collateral is updated, any rule-based functionalities and other trigger-based functionalities are not evaluated for the applications that are in the "Closed" status. This applies only to the closed applications associated with that particular Collateral.
The "Closed" status is defined by a custom setting.
5.7 Account filters on the Financial Spread (Jira ID: GD-7709)
A new feature is introduced that enhances the way Financial Institutions (FIs) manage non-borrowing parties in applications. Many FIs add non-borrowing customers, such as Accountants, Solicitors, Aggregators, Business Channels, and Sales Channels as parties in the application to capture their contact details. However, as these parties are not liable for loan repayment, there’s no need to include their financial information on the financial spread pages.
With this new feature, only preconfigured party types appears as accounts on the financial spreads pages and be eligible to have financial statements.
5.8 Inconsistency between comments on exceptions and documents (Jira ID: GD-7633 )
A new enhancement is introduced to ensure the uniform date formats. Previously, the date format of comments added on Exceptions and Documents was inconsistent, leading to confusion. With this update, all comments - whether they’re on documents, messages, notes, or exceptions - uses the User’s setting to determine the required date format. For example, US based Financial Institution employees who have their User’s setting set to the US will see the date format displayed according to their local convention. This change aims to improve user experience by providing consistent and region-specific date formats.
6. Fixed issues
For the details of the issues fixed in a release of Q2 Origination, see the Post GA section of that particular release's Release Notes.
7. Known issues
There are no known issues in this release.
8. New and modified objects
This section briefly describes the objects added or modified in this release.
For details on all the Q2 Origination objects, see Q2 Origination Data Dictionary.
8.1 New objects
This section briefly describes the objects added in this release.
8.1.1 Application Event Publishing Settings (genesis__Application_Event_Publishing_Settings__c)
This setting is used to decide whether to publish application events from the trigger of different sObjects.
The following table describes the new fields added to this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Disable_For_Application_Update__c | If this checkbox is selected, then the publishing of the Application Events on the update of the Application (genesis_Applications__c) object is disabled. |
genesis__Disable_For_App_Collateral_Insert__c | If this checkbox is selected, then the publishing of the Application Events on the update of the Application Collateral (genesis__Application_Collateral__c) object is disabled. |
genesis__Disable_For_App_Collateral_Update__c | If this checkbox is selected, then the publishing of the Application Events on the update of the Application Collateral (Application_Collateral__c) object is disabled. |
genesis__Disable_For_Account_Update__c | If this checkbox is selected, then the publishing of the Application Events on the update of the Account Object is disabled. |
genesis__Disable_For_App_Collateral_Insert__c |
If this checkbox is selected, then the publishing of the Application Events on the update of the Collateral ( clcommon__Collateral__c) object is disabled.
This checkbox can be marked as true to avoid the publishing of Application Events on the updation of the Collateral ( clcommon__Collateral__c) object. |
genesis__Disable_For_Party_Insert__c | This checkbox can be marked as true to avoid the publishing of Application Events on the updation of the Party (clcommon__Party__c) object. |
genesis__Disable_For_Party_Update__c | This checkbox can be marked as true to avoid the publishing of Application Events on the updation of the Party (clcommon__Party__c) object. |
genesis__Disable_For_Policy_Condition_Insert__c | This checkbox can be marked as true to avoid the publishing of Application Events on insertion of the Policy Condition (genesis__Policy_Exception__c) object. |
genesis__Disable_For_Policy_Condition_Update__c | This checkbox can be marked as true to avoid the publishing of Application Events on the updation of the Policy Condition (genesis__Policy_Exception__c) object. |
8.1.2 Calendar Configuration (genesis__Calendar_Configuration__c)
This object is utilized to store the information related to dates.
For a given year, only one record must be added.
The following table describes the new fields added to this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Start_Of_Year__c | This new field represents the start date of the calendar year. |
8.1.3 Rule Evaluation Result (clcommon_Rule_Evaluation_Result__c)
This object holds the information of the evaluated criteria, rules and to which object the value matches or not. This object also stores the history of the evaluation criteria.
The following table describes the new fields added to this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__Related_Entity_Name__c | This field indicates the Id of the entity on which the rule is executed can be Party, Account, Application, Collateral, etc. |
clcommon__Field_Name__c | This field represents the name against which the rule criteria is evaluated. |
clcommon__Actual_Value__c | This field indicates the value on which rule criteria is evaluated. |
clcommon__Operator__c |
This field represents the operator value from the rule criteria configuration (IN, NOT IN, BETWEEN, etc).
This field is displayed as Matching Type on the UI. |
clcommon__Matching_Value__c | This field represents the matching value based on the rule criteria configuration. |
clcommon__Minimum_Value__c | This field represents the minimum value based on the rule criteria configuration. (Applicable for BETWEEN operator only). |
clcommon__Maximum_Value__c | This field represents the maximum value based on the rule criteria configuration. (Applicable for BETWEEN operator only). |
clcommon__Value_Type__c | This field represents the value type based on the rule criteria configuration. The values can be 'Static' or 'Field Comparison'. |
clcommon__Field_Comparison__c | This field indicates if this criteria is of type field comparison (True/False). |
clcommon__Field_Comparison_Actual_Value__c | This field represents the actual value of the field 'Field Comparison' for the related entity. For example: if the field comparison is Frequency then the Field Comparison Actual Value would be populated as MONTHLY. |
clcommon__Rule__c | This field stores the reference to the rule object. |
genesis__Policy_Condition__c | This field maps the rule evaluation result to the respective Policy Condition. |
genesis__Application_Scorecard__c | This field maps the rule evaluation result to the respective Application Scorecard Result. |
genesis__Account_Scorecard_Result__c | This field maps the value of Account Scorecard which is associated to this Rule Evaluation Result. |
8.1.4 Rule Result Configuration (genesis__Rule_Result_Configuration__c)
This setting is used to decide whether the results of Scorecard and Policy Conditions are stored or not.
The following table describes the new fields added to this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Save_Policy_Condition_Rule_Result__c | This field should be set to true if storing of rule results for policy conditions has to be enabled. |
genesis__Save_Scorecard_Rule_Result__c | This field should be set to true if storing of rule results for scorecard has to be enabled. |
8.2 Modified objects
This section briefly describes the objects modified in this release.
8.2.1 Covenant (clcommon__Covenant__c)
This object represents a covenant. Covenants can be either applied to an account or application. A covenant is an actual instance of the covenant definition(which is a template). Covenants help Lenders to preserve their position and to improve the likelihood the loan will be paid back by the borrower on time and in full. A covenant is simply a fancy term for the word ‘promise' that certain activities will or will not be carried out.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__First_Evaluation_Date__c |
This new field stores the first due date on which the covenant must be evaluated.
This field is displayed as Covenant Compliance Start Date in the UI. |
clcommon__Previous_Evaluation_Date__c | This field stores the date on which the covenant was evaluated previously. |
genesis__Covenant_Name__c |
This new field stores the name of the Covenant.
It is set to covenant definition name by default at the time of covenant creation. This field can be edited on the covenant UI as per the requirement. |
8.2.2 Covenant Association (clcommon__Covenant_Association__c)
This object is used to store the association of the covenant with other objects in the system so they can be used in reporting. Its a junction object.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__Active__c |
This field indicates whether the covenant is associated to the application or not. This field is used for the soft deletion of covenant association records. |
8.2.3 Covenant Definition (clcommon__Covenant_Definition__c)
This object is used to define the attributes of a covenant in the system. This is like a template for covenant creation and should be created by the system administrator. The records can be then used by Loan team members to apply Covenants at the relationship or Loan level.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__Document_Definition__c | This field indicates the reference of Document Definition that is used for creating Document Categories for Covenants based on their evaluation frequency. |
clcommon__Owner_Type__c | This field indicates the default owner type for the Covenant that is either User or Queue. |
clcommon__Default_Owner_User__c |
This field holds the user reference, which will be the default owner for all the covenants created using this covenant definition. If the owner type is selected as User then Default Owner User must be provided. Similarly, if owner type is selected as Queue then Default Owner Queue should be provided during the setup. |
clcommon__Default_Owner_Queue_Name__c | This field holds the Queue Name, which becomes the default owner for all the covenants that are created using this covenant definition. |
clcommon__Default_Owner_Queue_Id__c | This field holds the Queue Id, which will be the default owner for all the covenants created using this covenant definition. If the owner type is selected as Queue then Default Owner Queue should be provided during the setup. |
8.2.4 Covenant Evaluation (clcommon__Covenant_Evaluation__c)
This object represents a covenant's evaluation records. Each record with pending status represents when should a covenant be evaluated, while records with any other status(Expired, Accepted, Exception) represent the evaluation of the covenant.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__Status__c |
This field represents the status of the covenant.
clcommon__Previous_Status_Update_Date__c | This field stores the date when the status was last updated for the covenant evaluation record. |
clcommon__Active__c | This field indicates whether the covenant evaluation is active or not |
clcommon__Previous_Notification_Date__c | This field stores the date when the last notification was sent. |
8.2.5 Document Category (clcommon__Document_Category__c)
This object represents the documents that need to be/are collected for an Application and/or Account, Collateral record in the system. Let's say for processing a loan application, the lender needs to collect identity documents like the Driver's License of borrower. Then the Driver's License for Mr X who is taking a loan would be one document category in the system and the Driver's License for Mr Y would be another document category record in the system. Each document category is associated with a document definition in the system.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
clcommon__Covenant__c | This field stores the reference of the covenant record for which the document category has been created. |
clcommon__End_Date__c | This field indicates the date till which document upload is applicable. |
clcommon__Start_Date__c | This field indicates the date from which document upload is applicable. |
8.2.6 Financial Spread Configuration (genesis__Financial_Spread_Configuration__c)
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Enable_Add_Projection_Statement__c | This field indicates whether the "Add Projection Statement" button would be visible on the financial spread page or not. |
genesis__Enable_Sensitivity_Analysis__c | This field indicates whether the "Sensitivity Analysis" tab would be visible on the financial spread page or not. |
genesis__Enable_Download__c | This field indicates whether the "Download" button would be visible on the financial spread page or not. |
genesis__Download_Financial_Statement_PDF_Locally__c |
By selecting this checkbox the Financial Statement PDF gets downloaded into the local system.
If this field is not selected, the Financial Statement PDF gets downloaded in the document category and can be viewed in the Documents tab. |
genesis__genesis__Party_Types__c | This multi-select picklist field is used to configure the party types for which financial statements can be added from the application dashboard. |
8.2.7 Financial Spread Details Configuration (genesis__Financial_Spread_Details_Configuration__c)
This object is used to store the details of the financial spread statement's configuration.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Active__c | This field indicates whether the Financial Spread Details Configuration records tab would be visible on the Financial Spread page or not. |
genesis__Enable_PDF_Download__c | This field indicates whether the respective Financial Spread Details Configuration record would be available as a picklist value or not in the Select Statement Type field to generate PDF. |
8.2.8 Template Detail (clcommon__Template_Detail__c)
This object is used to store the details of the financial spread statement's configuration.
The following table describes the modified fields of this object. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis_Is_Total_Assets__c | This new field identifies if the template detail's amount can be considered as the Total Asset Amount. |
genesis__Is_Total_Liabilities__c | This new field identifies if the template detail's amount can be considered as the Total Liability Amount. |
8.2.9 Org Parameters (genesis__Org_Parameters__c)
This custom setting is defined at the org/user/profile level and is used to drive the behavior of features that impact the organization level.
The following table describes the modified fields of this setting. All these fields are optional:
Field API Name | Description |
genesis__Delete_active_scorecards_for_Closed_apps__c | This field enables you to delete the active scorecards for the closed applications. |
9. New and modified REST APIs
There are no REST APIs added or modified in this release.
For details on all the Q2 Origination REST APIs, see Q2 Origination REST APIs Guide.
10. New and modified global methods
This section briefly describes the global methods added or modified in this release.
For details on all the Q2 Origination global methods, see Q2 Origination Global Methods Guide.
10.1 New global methods
This section briefly describes the global methods added in this release.
10.1.1 SkuidCovenantCtrl Class
This class is used to insert or update the clcommon__Covenant__c Object.
The following table describes the global methods or webservice methods added to this class in this release:
Global Method/Webservice Method Name | Description |
These newly added webservice methods are used for the following:
10.1.2 CovenantEvaluationAPI Class
The following table describes the global methods or webservice methods added to this class:
Global Method/Webservice Method Name | Description |
This newly added webservice method is used to send email notifications to customers in the following scenarios:
10.1.3 Covenant Evaluation Batch Job Class
The following table describes the global methods or webservice methods added to this class:
Global Method/Webservice Method Name | Description |
Not applicable |
This batch job could be scheduled to run daily to perform the following actions:
10.1.4 Covenant Notification Batch Job Class
The following table describes the global methods or webservice methods added to this class:
Global Method/Webservice Method Name | Description |
Not applicable |
This batch job could be scheduled to run daily to perform the following actions:
10.1.5 CustomSettingsUtil Class
The following table describes the global methods or webservice methods added to this class:
Global Method/Webservice Method Name | Description |
Not applicable |
This class is used to fetch records of Custom Settings Object. |
10.2 Modified global methods
There are no global methods modified in this release.
11. Post GA release
Follow this section for the details on the issues fixed in the patches on the August 2023 release of the following packages:
Q2 Origination
CL Originate Skuid Extension
CL Common
11.1 Issues fixed in the December 29, 2023 patch
11.1.1 Scorecards are not getting generated (Jira ID: GD-7997)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination: August2023 (4.3001.8)
Issue Description
After upgrading to the 4.3001 version of Q2 Origination, the scorecards are not getting generated for the existing applications when some of the Scorecard Criteria Details are not satisfied.
This issue is fixed now as the scorecards are getting generated.
11.1.2 Some objects are not getting cloned while cloning an application (Jira ID: GD-8044)
Fixed Version
Q2 Origination: August2023 (4.3001.8)
Issue Description
To make a copy of an existing application, when a user clicks Clone Application, the information for the following objects are not getting copied to the new application:
Team Members
Drawdown Terms
This issue is fixed now as all the information is getting copied when cloning an application.
11.2 Issues fixed in the December 1, 2023 patch
11.2.1 Unable to view or edit custom Covenant Name field (Jira ID: GD-7978)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination: August2023 (4.3001.4)
Issue Description
The users were unable to view or edit the custom Covenant Name field in the Edit Covenant window after clicking the Edit button.
This issue is fixed as the Covenant Name field for the custom covenant is now being displayed and made editable.
This Covenant Name field is editable only for those custom covenants that are associated with the <= one application.
11.2.2 Covenant Definition record is not present for the custom covenants (Jira ID: GD-7924)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination: August2023 (4.3001.4)
Issue Description
The custom Covenant Definition record was not present in the August 2023 release package and the existing functionality required manual creation of this custom record.
This issue is fixed as the custom Covenant Definition record is created upon installing or upgrading to the latest Q2 Origination patch.
11.3 Issues fixed in the October 16, 2023 patch
11.3.1 An error is displayed on the Dynamic Queries page (Jira ID: PD-1558/PDRFF-2475)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
CL Common: August2023 (4.2004.2)
Issue Description
While opening the Dynamic Queries page, the following error is displayed:
Maximum view state size limit (170KB) exceeded. Actual view state size for this page was 222.063KB
This issue is fixed as no error is displayed on the Dynamic Queries page.
12. Change record
S.No | Change Date | Description of Change |
1 | September 22, 2023 | Published the release notes for the August 2023 General Availability release (4.3001). |
2 | October 16, 2023 | Added section 11.3 |
3 | December 1, 2023 | Added section 11.2 |
4 | December 29, 2023 | Added section 11.1 |