Titanium Release Notes
1. Preface
This is a living document, and its contents may be updated often. Any changes to the contents of this document are listed in the Change Record section. Make sure that you have the latest version for use.
The contents of this document are applicable to all the customers who have installed the latest version of Q2 OriginationTitanium release for the first time or have upgraded from an earlier version. You can access the release notes of the previous releases from the Q2 Customer Portal.
1.1 Purpose of this Document
This document provides information on the following for the Titanium release:
1.2 Intended Audience
The audience of this document includes business users, implementers, and system administrators.
1.3 Prerequisites for Use
This document assumes a basic knowledge of the product concepts, the product release, and the Salesforce platform.
2. Introduction
These release notes may be updated after the first release. Any changes to the contents of these release notes are listed in the Change Record section.
3. Installation Information
Contact your Q2 Professional Services team or the Customer Success team for information on the package dependency and installation order of the packages required to install and set up the latest version of Q2 Origination.
4. Upgrade Considerations
For information on the upgrade steps, see release-related steps in the Q2 Product Upgrade Guide.
5. System Performance
To view the batch jobs performance statistics for Q2 Origination without customizations under test conditions, see the Q2 Performance Benchmarking Guide.
6. New Features and Enhancements
This section briefly describes the new features and enhancements added in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
For a detailed description of the new features and enhancements, see the following guides published over the Q2 Customer Portal:
- Q2 Origination User Guide
- Q2 Origination Administration Guide
6.1 Common Size Analysis of Financial Statements (Jira ID: GD-3325)
Feature Description
Common size, or vertical analysis, is a method of analyzing financial information by representing each item in a financial statement as a percentage of a base amount for the same time period. Common Sizing applies to both Balance Sheet and Income statement. All line items in a balance sheet are represented as a percentage of “Total Assets “or “Total Liabilties+Equity”.
A new toggle button has been introduced on the Financial Statements, which, when turned on, will render all the values in the Balance Sheet and Income statement as a “percentage of the common base figure for that period”. This percentage is displayed alongside each Balance Sheet and Income statement value.
6.2 Global Debt Service Coverage (Jira ID: GD-4642)
Feature Description
Global debt service coverage calculations are an integral part of the commercial underwriting process. Q2 Origination has been enhanced to support the calculation of debt service and debt service coverage ratios by considering all the debt (existing loans that the borrowing group owes) and global cash flows.
Calculation of the global debt service coverage in Q2 Origination involves the following steps:
Select the relevant Parties on the application
View all existing debt/loans of the parties on the application
Outstanding loans from the core banking application
Inflight loan applications involving selected parties
Other FI’s loan contracts
View available cashflows of the selected parties (derived from financial statements of selected parties)
View calculated global debt service coverage and other relevant ratios
6.3 Delete Financial Statement (JIRA ID: GD-5502)
Feature Description
Deletion of a financial statement for an account has been introduced.
6.4 Addition of Schedules that Roll up into Regular Financial Statements (JIRA ID: GD-4713)
Feature Description
Tax returns are used to populate Income statements of individuals. There are additional schedules that support the different sources of income that the individual may have, and these various sources of income and their cash flows are important information for an underwriter. For example, underwriters need to know the different sole proprietorship businesses that the individual may have. The cash flows from each of these businesses need to be considered as part of the overall cash flow analysis.
Q2 Origination has been enhanced to support the addition of these schedules to financial statements. These schedules can be configured separately and associated with a line item on the financial statement.
6.5 Financial Spread UI Enhancements (JIRA ID: GD-4499)
Feature Description
The following UI enhancements have been made on the Financial Spreads UI:
Users can do Save And Next as part of Add New Statement.
Once Statement Year is selected, the statement date defaults to 12/31/##Statement year##. The default date is configurable at the FI level.
The Previous Statement field is automatically populated from the previous statement if using Save And Next, i.e., creating a financial statement first and then clicking Save And Next will carry over and prepopulate the Previous Statement field with the just entered statement.
Credit Analyst and Accountant is carried over from the previous statement when adding a new statement.
An option has been introduced to open the financial spreads alone in a separate tab to enable users to view more number of rows on the UI.
6.6 Financial Statement Summary (Jira ID: GD-2153 (JIRA ID: GD-2153)
Feature Description
Once the financial statements are captured, and ratios are calculated as part of the application process, these values are usually used in the scorecard evaluation to arrive at an overall risk score. To enable smooth usage of the financial statement data in scorecard and risk assessment, a configuration tool has been introduced to map the financial statement values to the party fields.
As part of this configuration, FIs can specify if the average of all statements needs to be considered or the latest financial year values.
This financial statement summary is also displayed along with the party details.
6.7 Exposure Analysis (JIRA ID: GD-4740)
Feature Description
A new UI has been introduced to allow the end-users to select the relevant parties that must be considered for exposure calculations. All the existing loan/LOC accounts from the staging tables are fetched and displayed. End-users can decide to include/exclude the accounts for exposure calculation. Any inflight applications of the selected parties are also displayed. The following exposures are calculated and stored.
Direct Exposure: Direct exposure is the sum of all borrowings of the party (sum of (current balance - partial payoff amounts) of all existing loan contracts where the selected party is a Borrower).
Indirect Exposure: Indirect exposure is the sum of all borrowings guaranteed or cosigned by the party (sum of (current balance - partial payoff amounts) of all existing loan contracts where the selected party is a Guarantor).
Direct Proposed Exposure: Direct proposed exposure is the sum of all borrowings underwritten for the party (sum of the loan amount of all inflight loan applications where the selected party is a Borrower).
Indirect Proposed Exposure: Indirect proposed exposure is the sum of all loan amounts guaranteed or cosigned by the party (sum of loan amounts of all inflight applications where the selected party is a Guarantor).
Global Direct Exposure: Sum of all direct exposures of the selected parties.
Global Indirect Exposure: Sum of all indirect exposures of the selected parties
Global Direct Proposed Exposure: Sum of all direct proposed exposures of the selected parties
Global Indirect Proposed Exposure: Sum of all indirect proposed exposures of the selected parties.
6.8 Collateral Analysis (JIRA ID: GD-5037/GD-4741/GD-5863/GD-5864)
Feature Description
Q2 Origination has been enhanced to provide an overall collateral analysis on the Loan/LOC and Deal applications by considering all the collaterals associated with the application and all existing loans associated with the collaterals.
Collateral analysis helps in calculating the LTV, available value, and collateral coverage by considering the loan application and its associated collaterals.
Collateral analysis has been enhanced to support the following scenarios:
Single Loan/LOC application associated with multiple collaterals.
Multi Loan/Deal Application with multiple loan/LOC applications associated with cross-collateralized collaterals (the same set of collaterals shared across all applications). (GD-5864)
Multi Loan/Deal Application with multiple loan/LOC applications associated with non-cross-collateralized collaterals (same set of collaterals not shared across all applications). (GD-5863)
Single Loan/LOC application associated with the blanket lien of Business Assets. (GD-5037)
Multi Loan/Deal Application with multiple loan/LOC applications associated with Business Assets across all applications. (GD-5037)
6.9 Ability to Define and Associate Approval Group (Queue) with Approval Definition (JIRA ID: GD-4812)
Feature Description
When an approval instance gets generated in the system, approval rights can be given to an approver or to a group of approvers. Earlier, there was no provision to associate an approval group (Queue) as a reviewer in Approval Definition. With the Titanium release, applicable users can be added to a queue who can be added as reviewers.
6.10 Reviewer Assignment from Approval Group (JIRA ID: GD-4814 )
Feature Description
Consider an approval instance is configured such that a Queue is one of the reviewers. When the approval instance for an application is generated, initially the Queue will get assigned as a reviewer without any user as assignee. To assign the approval instance to a user from the Queue, a new Skuid page ‘Approval Dashboard’ has been added.
The Approval Dashboard page displays all the approval instances assigned to the logged-in user. It also displays the approval instances assigned to Queue (but not assigned to any user) in which the logged-in user is one of the members. For such cases, the logged-in user can assign the approval instance to self or to another user of the Queue.
6.11 Change Log (JIRA ID: GD-4832)
Feature Description
Prior to the Titanium release, whenever the system generated the approval instance after editing the application, there was no provision for the approver to view the change details (previous vs current value) on which the approval was required. With an enhanced approval process, whenever a user edits the application, the system displays the Change Log pertaining to the entry criteria of the approval instance. The Change Log displays the previous value and the current value of the updated field.
6.12 Approval Instance Enhancement(JIRA ID: GD-4825)
Feature Description
Prior to the Titanium release, whenever an application was updated, an approval instance used to be triggered, and if the reviewer rejected it, there was no provision to roll back the application record to its previous state. With the enhanced approval process, when an approval instance is rejected, the system reverts to the previous value, and when the approval instance is approved, the current state persists.
Along with this feature, there is also a provision to lock the application record till approval is provided. This is based on the Approval Definition configuration, ‘Lock Record On Approval Submission is True’. Post-approval or rejection of approval instance, the application can be updated.
6.13 Approval Configuration (Jira ID: GD-4825)
Feature Description
To switch between the existing approval process and the enhanced approval process (as described in 6.9 – 6.12), a new object ‘Approval Configuration’ has been added to Q2 Origination. The field Enhanced Approval on Approval Definition determines whether enhanced approval process should be considered or not.
6.14 New Application Dashboard (JIRA ID: GD-4758/GD-4762)
Feature Description
Many a time, it has been highlighted that there are efficiency issues while processing the application. The issues are the number of clicks, lack of visibility on critical inputs (like how long the application was there in the Queue), too many steps to provide approval, etc.
With the Titanium release, we have introduced a new Skuid page Application List View under Launchpad to provide an alternative to the existing Application dashboard. The Application List View page will allow the user to manage self-assignment (from Queue) and re-assignment (to another user or Queue). There is also a provision to review approval so that the approver (i.e., logged-in user) can provide approval directly from the Application List View page.
6.15 Tagging of Users in Team Communication (JIRA ID: GD-4752)
Feature Description
Prior to the Titanium release, to tag a user for team communication in an application, it was required to add users under Team Member. This involved too many steps for effective communication. To enhance the user experience, the necessity of adding team members for tagging has been relaxed.
6.16 Comments Column on Documents Grid (JIRA ID: GD-4751)
Feature Description
As per the feedback received from our stakeholders, the user experience of adding and viewing comments against the document category on the Documents tab of the application is not optimal. To view the comments, the user has to find the document category and click the Action menu to add/view comments. With the Titanium release, Comments column has been added to the documents grid so that the recent comments along with the document category can be viewed together.
6.17 Auto-Task Generation and Resolution Based on Policy Condition Type and Status (JIRA ID: GD-5423/GD-5424/GD-4799)
Feature Description
Micro-workflows related to KYC, KYB, etc., deal with tasks, policy conditions, and policy condition type status. The exceptions in these micro-workflows are configured as policy conditions with a specific type, for example, KYC Policy Conditions with type as "KYC". A corresponding task is also configured to be generated to track if all these policy conditions are Satisfied. These tasks are usually "autocomplete" tasks. These tasks must be automatically resolved when all the exceptions of a particular type are Satisfied. Prior to the Titanium release, this was managed through triggers.
With the Titanium release, to enable defining task completion criteria that can track the completion of all policy conditions of a specific type, task setup has been enhanced to associate policy conditions of a certain type such that whenever policy condition of a type (say KYC) gets generated in the application, the related task also gets generated. And when all the policy conditions of that type (KYC) are satisfied, the task gets auto resolved.
7. Fixed Issues
For the issues fixed in a release, see the Post GA section of that release notes. For example, a fix released in a patch on the Summer release is listed in the Post GA section of the Summer RNs.
8. Known Issues
There are no known issues in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
9. New and Modified Objects
This section briefly describes the new and modified objects in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
For more details on the added and modified objects, see Q2 Origination Data Dictionaries Guide.
9.1 New Objects
The following table describes the objects added in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
Object Name | Description |
Financial Statement Summary | This object identifies the object for which the Financial Statement Summary is to be set up. |
Financial Statement Summary Detail | This object contains the configuration for Financial Statement Summary. |
Collateral Type Detail (CL Common) | This object captures itemization of collaterals of certain collateral types. |
Approval Configuration (CL Common) | This object contains the global configuration for the approval process feature. |
9.2 Modified Objects
The following table describes the objects modified in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
Object Name | Field Name | Description |
Application | Accrual Type |
This new field represents the interest accrual type. Note: Accrual To Date - If the user selects "Accrual To Date" on the contract, the interest amount that is posted on an IPD is equal to the amount accrued till the previous date. Accrual Through Date - If the user selects "Accrual Through Date" on the contract, the interest amount that is posted on an IPD is equal to the amount accrued till that date. |
Application | Advance Value | This new field displays the sum of all advanced values of all the collateral’s associated with the application. |
Application | Annual Debt Service | This new field stores the annual debt service calculation for application. |
Application | Appraised Value | This new field displays the sum of the appraised value of all collaterals associated with the application. |
Application | Available Value | This new field displays the available value across all collaterals. |
Application | Collateral Coverage | This new field displays the amount covered by Collaterals. |
Application | Contracts | This new field stores the serialized list of contracts. |
Application | Exclude | This new field indicates whether to include/exclude the application from the debt service calculations. |
Application | Exposure Applications | This new field stores the list of Applications in json format for Exposure calculation. |
Application | Exposure Contracts | This new field stores the list of Interface Contracts in json format for Exposure calculation. |
Application | Global Direct Exposure | This new field stores sum of all direct exposures of the selected parties. |
Application | Global Direct Proposed Exposure | This new field stores sum of all direct proposed exposures of all selected parties. |
Application | Global Indirect Exposure | This new field stores sum of all indirect exposures of all selected parties. |
Application | Global Indirect Proposed Exposure | This new field stores sum of all indirect proposed exposures of all selected parties. |
Application | Move Across Month | This new field defines whether the schedule's due date should get moved across the month if the due date is lying on holiday. |
Application | Schedule Adjustment Method | This new field defines whether the schedule's due date should get moved before or after if the due date is lying on holiday. |
Application | Sensitised Debt Service | This new field stores the Sensitised Debt Service calculation. |
Application | Superior Liens | This new field displays the sum of all existing loan amounts associated with the collateral. Note: No same loan amount to be counted twice. |
Application | Total Annual Debt Service Annual Payment | This new field stores Total Annual Debt Service Annual Payment. |
Application | Total Annual Debt Service Sensitised | This new field stores Total Annual Debt Service (Sensitised). |
Application | Total Senior Debt Annual Payment | This new field stores Total Senior Debt (Annual Payment). |
Application | Total Senior Debt Sensitised | This new field stores Total Senior Debt (Sensitised). |
Business Information | Master Service Charge Account | This new field refers to the primary financial account associated with the primary relationship of the application. |
CL Product (CL Common) | Added Interest | This new field represents the additional interest rate that is added to the regular interest rate for calculating sensitized debt service for the Line of Credit application. |
CL Product (CL Common) | LOC Amort Term | This new field stores the amortization terms in years that is considered for calculating sensitized debt service for the Line of Credit application. |
CL Product (CL Common) | Accrual Type |
This new field represents the interest accrual type.
Covenant (CL Common) | Alternate Covenant Description | This new field is editable and it displays the default Covenant Definition's Covenant Description. |
Party (CL Common) | Party Order | This new field represents the party order according to the priority (Borrower, Co-Borrower, Co-Signer, Guarantor, Parent Company, Signer, Direct Contact, Subsidiary, Related Entity, Employee). |
Party (CL Common) | Statement Year | This new field represents the year for which the latest value is being set. |
Party (CL Common) | Current Ratio | This new field represents the current ratio which is the liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay short-term obligations or those due within one year. |
Party (CL Common) | Debt Service Coverage Ratio DSCR | This new field represents the debt service coverage ratio, also known as the "debt coverage ratio", is the ratio of operating income available to service debts. |
Party (CL Common) | Debt to Worth Ratio | This new field represents the debt to net worth ratio, also referred to as the total debt to total net worth ratio. This ratio helps the FI to evaluate the business's financial health. |
Party (CL Common) | Gross Annual Revenue | This new field represents the revenue refers to the income generated from the sales of goods, services, capital, or any other assets of the business before any expenses or costs are deducted. |
Party (CL Common) | Gross Profit Margin | This new field represents the gross profit margin that is a measure of a company's profitability, calculated as the gross profit as a percentage of revenue. |
Party (CL Common) | Primary Cashflow Method | This new field represents the type of cash flow method used to calculate loan grade. |
Party (CL Common) | Direct Exposure | This new field stores the sum of all borrowings of the party (Sum of "Current Balance - partial payoff amounts" of all existing loan contracts where the selected party is a Borrower and included in exposure is true). |
Party (CL Common) | Indirect Exposure | This new field stores the sum of all borrowings that are guaranteed or cosigned by the party. (Sum of "Current Balance- Partial Payoff Amounts" of all existing loan contracts where the selected party is a Guarantor and included in exposure is true). |
Party (CL Common) | Direct Proposed Exposure | This new field stores the sum of all borrowings that are being underwritten for the party (Sum of the loan amount of all inflight loan applications where the selected party is a Borrower and included in exposure is true). |
Party (CL Common) | Indirect Proposed Exposure | This new field stores the sum of all loan amounts that are being guaranteed or cosigned by the party. (Sum of loan amounts of all inflight applications where the selected party is a Guarantor and included in exposure is true). |
Party (CL Common) | Included In Exposure . | This new field stores the last selected parties in the Exposure calculation |
Financial Spread Configuration . | Financial Statement Default Month | This new field displays the Financial Statement default month. Note: The Last date is considered as the default date |
Lending Calculator | Accrual Type |
This new field represents the interest accrual type.
Liability | Annual Debt Service | This new field stores the annual debt service calculation. |
Liability | Exclude | This new field helps in deciding whether to exclude or include in the debt service calculation. |
Liability | Sensitised Debt Service | This new field stores the sensitised debt service calculation. |
Liability | Subordinated | This new field helps in the selection for subordinated calculation. |
Org Parameters | Enable Q2 Theme | This new field is to enable the Q2 theme for Origination applications. |
Policy Exception Definition | Product Department Task Association | This new field indicates the association of policy conditions with a task. |
Interface Contract | Annual Debt Service | This new field represents the annual debt service. |
Interface Contract | Exclude GDS | This new field helps in deciding whether to exclude the contract from global debt service calculation. |
Interface Contract | Sensitised Debt Service | This new field represents the sensitised debt service for contracts. |
Interface Contract | Unused Commitment | This new field represents the unused commitment on LOC. |
Task Setup | Category | This new field stores policy condition types. For example, KYC, KYB, Closing Documents, etc. Note: The 'Type' field on Policy Condition Definition & this new field should always have the same values. |
Task Setup | Generate With Policy Conditions |
This new field indicates if a task should get generated when the associated policy condition is generated.
When this option is selected task automatically gets completed when the policy condition is satisfied. |
Statement Detail (CL Common) | Base Value for Common Sizing |
This new field represents the default base value that is used to calculate the common-sized values.
Only one template detail per statement type "Balance sheet" or "Income” can have this check box as true. This new field is to be displayed only for template details of “Balance Sheet” and “Income”. |
Template Detail (CL Common) | Base Value for Common Sizing |
This new field represents the default base value that is used to calculate the common-sized values.
Only one template detail per statement type "Balance sheet" or "Income” can have this check box as true. This new field is to be displayed only for template details of “Balance Sheet” and “Income”. |
Template Detail (CL Common) | Use For RollUp | This new field determines if the line item is a child for the template group. |
Template Detail (CL Common) | Template Group | This new field references to the template for additional schedule. |
Financial Statement Template | Type | This new field categorizes the template for schedules, global cash flow, etc. |
Approval Definition (CL Common) | Group By Object | This new field selects the object type for the object, which is additionally populated on the approval instance if the field for that object is present on the approval instance and is present on the target record. |
Approval Definition (CL Common) | Lock Record On Approval Submission | This new field enables locking a record if submitted for approval. |
Approval Definition (CL Common) | Use Queue For Reviewers | This new field determines whether the Approval Authority records need to have Queue configured for them. |
Approval Instance (CL Common) | Target Record Current Snapshot | This new field stores the current snapshot of target record with fields on which the rule is evaluated. |
Approval Instance (CL Common) | Target Record Id | This new field populates the target record id for the object against which approval is created. |
Approval Instance (CL Common) | Target Record Snapshot | This new field stores the previous version of the record under approval in the json form. |
Collateral Type (CL Common) | Itemized Collateral Values | This new field represents if itemizations are to be captured for collaterals of a particular collateral type. |
Reviewer (CL Common) | Queue Id | This new field stores the id of the Queue where the reviewer belongs. |
Approval Authority (CL Common) | Queue Id | This new field stores the id of the Queue for the defined approval authority. |
Approval Authority (CL Common) | Queue Name | This new field stores the name of the Queue. |
Account () | Customer Since | This new field captures the date from which the customer is onboarded. |
10. New and Modified APIs
There are no REST APIs added or modified in this release.
For more details on the added or modified APIs, see Q2 Origination REST APIs Guide.
11. Global Methods
This section briefly describes the global methods that are added or modified in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
For more details on the added and modified global methods, see Q2 Origination Global Methods Guide.
11.1 New Global Methods
The following table describes the global methods added in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
Class Name | Global Method Name | Description |
ComputeLoanToValueRatio | computeLTVandCLTV | This method calculates the Loan to Value ratio (LTV) for a given application. |
ExposureManagementAPI | calculateExpsoure | This method calculates the exposure amounts for application and its parties. It calculates exposure only for the first application id passed. Note: This method accepts single parameter. |
ExposureManagementAPI | calculateExpsoure |
This web service method calculatse the exposure amounts for application and its parties. If 'Included In Exposure' is not set on any party of the application, then all the parties (except internal users) are included in exposure calculation.
This method accepts two parameters. |
ExposureManagementAPI | calculateExpsoureWithParties |
This web service method is used to calculate the exposure amounts for application and its parties. If party Ids are not provided and no party is included in exposure previously, then all the parties (except internal users) are included in exposure calculation. |
ApplicationContractAPI | fetchNewApplicationContracts | This web service method updates application's contracts with new contracts. |
ApplicationContractAPI | updateApplicationContracts | This web service method updates the application’s contracts. |
ApplicationContractAPI | getApplicationContracts | This web service method returns application’s contracts. |
FinancialStatementSummaryAction | processSummaryForParticularYear | This web service method gets the financial statement summary for a particular year for an account. |
ApplicationListViewCtrl | getApplicationList | This web service method returns the application set based on the condition and record limit. This is to increase the performance. Instead of returning all applications, this method returns a particular set of applications. |
ApprovalChangeLog | ApprovalChangeLog | |
ApprovalChangeLog | getChangeLog | This web service method gets the change log for the provided record id. |
ChangeLog | add | |
ChangeLog | ChangeLog | |
ChangeLog | getChangeLogs |
11.2 Modified Global Methods
There are no Global Methods modified in the Titanium release of Q2 Origination.
12. Post GA Release
Follow this section for the details on the issues fixed in the patches on the Titanium release.
12.1 Issues fixed in December 30, 2022 patches
12.1.1 Unlocking is not happening in related list (Jira ID: GD-6986)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination (3.7009.31)
CL Originate Skuid Extension (3.7009.28)
CL Common (3.7000.13)
Issue Description
If the customer is using an API to unlock the Application, the related lists of objects are still locked and not getting unlocked.
This issue is fixed.
12.2 Issues fixed in October 12, 2022 patches
12.2.1 Collateral ownership record is getting deleted while editing party (Jira ID: GD-6989/PDRFF-1262/GD-6960)
Issue Description
If more than 20 records are created for collateral ownership, on editing the party/contact for an application, 20 collateral ownership records are saved and the extra records are deleted from the Collateral tab.
This issue is fixed. Now the user can create 300 collateral ownership records for a few contracts.
12.2.2 Changing Loan Closing Date resets Days Convention (Jira ID: GD-6981/GD-6969)
Issue Description
On editing the Expected Close Date field of an application, the Days Convention field is getting updated to 365/365. However, the Days Convention field should not change its value.
This issue is fixed.
12.3 Issues fixed in June 21, 2022 patches
12.3.1 Titanium – Change version of apex.js and connection.js to latest Salesforce versions (at least 50+) (Jira ID: GD-6660)
Issue Description
Salesforce is retiring API version up to 20 by March 2022 and 21-30 by March 2023.
Hence, all the js files that use Ajax toolkit (apex.js and connection.js) should start using the latest versions. The application needs to be upgraded to use the latest API version that is 54.0.
12.4 Issues fixed in May 30, 2022 patches
12.4.1 Getting attempt to de-reference a null object error on the Application Snapshot page on click of the View button (Jira ID: GD-6521/PDRFF-981)
Issue Description
After editing the dynamic query to capture the Application Snapshot manually, when the user clicks on the View option to view the snapshot that is captured manually, the system is throwing the following error: “Attempt to de-reference a null object”.
This issue is fixed.
12.5 Issues fixed in April 30, 2022 patches
12.5.1 Unable to lock applications for any edits using the Global API call. (Jira ID: GD-6295/PD-933)
Issue Description
To ensure data integrity during and after the application approval process, financial institutions prefer to lock applications for any edits. When they are executing the Global API to lock the application, they are getting “clcommon: Too many DML statements:151” error and cannot lock the application.
This issue is fixed.
12.6 Issues fixed in February 23, 2022 patches
12.6.1 Titanium – if One Party Satisfies the Policy Conditions Rule, Second Party Policy Conditions are also Marked as Satisfied. (Jira ID: GD-6176)
Issue Description
A policy condition is defined on a Party object and for the same object an application is created. On adding a second Party to the application, two policy conditions are generated. When one party satisfies the policy condition resolution criteria, the other party’s policy condition is also marked as Satisfied.
This issue is fixed. PolicyConditionsAPI is modified to group policy conditions on its primary object (Application, Party, Collateral) and evaluated the grouped policy conditions
12.7 Issues fixed in January 15, 2022 patches
12.7.1 On the Approval Page, Change Log Changes are Displayed for all Approval Definitions (Jira ID: GD-5785)
Issue Description
On the Approval page, a log should only be generated if there is a change in the field’s value on which the Approval Definition criterion is defined.
If the application satisfies multiple Approval Definitions, the change log should be generated for the fields on which the Approval Definition criterion is defined. If one Approval Definition has criterion configured on Term, then it should have the change log for Term if there is a change in Term. Similarly, if another Approval Definition has criterion configured on Loan Amount, then it should have the change log for Loan Amount (if there is a change in the loan amount) and not for Term.
For example, an Approval Definition is created, and the criterion is Term =12. An application is created that satisfies this criterion. On changing the loan amount of this loan application, logs are generated for loan amount and term. Whereas the log should only be generated for Term.
This issue is fixed.
12.7.2 Validation Error Should be Thrown When Other Payment Type is Added Upon Interest Only + Balloon Payment Type (Jira ID: GD-5922 )
Issue Description
When the payment type "Interest Only + Balloon" is selected, it must be the last payment type in the payment schedule
For example, the Interest Only+Balloon payment type is added on 18th Feb 2022. Now user adds one more payment type, “Interest Only”, on 18th April 2022. The system should not allow the user to add any other payment type till the last schedule, and the Interest Only+Balloon payment type should be applicable till the last schedule.
This issue is fixed. A validation message “Interest Only + Balloon payment type should be the last schedule!” is added.
12.7.3 Facing Issues with Financial Spreads Upon Upgrading to Titanium (Jira ID: GD-5949)
Issue Description
Following are the issues with Financial Spreads:
While adding a Projection Statement for the Income statement, the system is throwing an error. Error: Unable to serialize a map with a null key.
On the Global DSC page, data of adjacent columns are overlapping while clicking the filters icon to view the result of different years.
This issue is fixed.
12.7.4 For Line of Credit (LOC) Applications, Credit Limit Amount Should be Shown in Collateral Analysis Page and Used in Collateral Coverage (Jira ID: GD-5964 )
Issue Description
For LOC applications, the credit limit value should be considered while calculating the LTV and collateral coverage.
This issue is fixed.
On the LOC Details page, the Credit Limit field is added. The LTV and Collateral Coverage calculations are done based on the value of the Credit Limit field.
12.7.5 Refresh Issue On the Collateral Analysis Page (Jira ID: GD-6022 )
Issue Description
While calculating LTV, Liens added manually are not considered.
Clicking the RUN LTV button is not changing the calculated value.
This issue is fixed.
12.7.6 Even if the Term Field’s Value is Not Changed, Log is Getting Created (Jira ID: GD-5830)
Issue Description
On changing the loan amount, an additional log is getting generated for the Term value irrespective of whether its value is changed or not.
This issue is fixed.
12.8 Issues fixed in the December 24, 2021 patches
12.8.1 All the Users are Displayed in the Approval Dashboard While Assigning an Application to a User (Jira ID: GD-5819)
Issue Description
While assigning an application to a queue for review that has only one user added as a reviewer, all the users present in the system are displayed.
For example, let's say, a queue (Queue1) is created and a user (enhanceapp) is added to this queue. An approval definition is created with the reviewer as Queue1. For the application that satisfies the approval criteria, while selecting the user for approval, the user list is showing all the users present in the system.
This issue is fixed. Only the users added to the queue will be displayed in the Select User window.
12.8.2 Group by Object Feature is Not Working in Approvals (Jira ID: GD-5865)
Issue Description
On editing any object other than Application, an approval instance is getting created if it satisfies the approval rule, but the Application lookup field is not populated.
The clcommon_Approval_Configuration_c is enabled
This issue is occurring for all the objects except Application as the Group By Object.
This issue is fixed now.
12.8.3 UI Issues in the DOCUMENTS Tab (Jira ID: GD-5874)
Issue Description
On the Documents tab, in the Add Application Document Categories window and the Comments window, the Close (X) icon's color is changing to white while hovering over it.
This issue is fixed. The Close (X) icon's color is fixed to black.
12.8.4 Close Icon Issue When Clicking Move to Previous Department or Move to Next Stage (Jira ID: GD-5919)
Issue Description
While submitting a task to the next department (→) or moving to the previous department (←), the (→/←) icon and the Close (X) icon in the Submit to Next Stage window are displayed in white color.
This issue is fixed. The color of the Close (X) icon is changed to black.
12.8.5 PDF Button must be Disabled When no FS Template is DisplayedR (Jira ID: GD-5921)
Issue Description
On the Financial Statement page, the PDF button is enabled for the applications whereas there is no Financial Statement template configured in the system.
This issue is fixed. The PDF button will be disabled for the applications on the Financial Statement page if there is no Financial Statement template configured in the system.
12.8.6 Account Document Dashboard Related VF Page to be Enabled in Lightning (Jira ID: GD-5948/PDRFF-650)
Issue Description
Earlier, the Account Document Dashboard-related VF page (genesisExtn_AccountRelationDashboard) was displayed in the Account Page Layout.
As a fix, we need to directly add that VF page to the Lightning page. And for that, it is required to make this page lightning enabled.
13. Change Record
S.No | Change Date | Description of Change |
1 | December 2021 | Published the release notes for the Titanium General Availability release (3.7009.31). |
2 |
Dec 24, 2021 | Published release notes for section 12.8 |
3 | Jan 15, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.7 |
4 | Feb 23, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.6 |
5 | Apr 30, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.5 |
6 | May 30, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.4 |
7 | Jun 21, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.3 |
8 | Oct 12, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.2 |
9 | Dec 30, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.1 |