Platinum Release Notes
1. Preface
This is a living document, and its contents may be updated often. Any changes to the contents of this document are listed in the Change Record section. Make sure that you have the latest version for use.
The contents of this document are applicable to all the customers who have installed the latest version of Q2 OriginationPlatinum release for the first time or have upgraded from an earlier version. You can access the release notes of the previous releases from the Q2 Customer Portal.
1.1 Purpose of this Document
This document provides information on the following for the Platinum release:
1.2 Intended Audience
The audience of this document includes business users, implementers, and system administrators.
1.3 Prerequisites for Use
This document assumes a basic knowledge of the product concepts, the product release, and the Salesforce platform.
2. Introduction
These release notes may be updated after the first release. Any changes to the contents of these release notes are listed in the Change Record section.
3. Installation Information
Contact your Q2 Professional Services team or the Customer Success team for information on the package dependency and installation order of the packages required to install and set up the latest version of Q2 Origination.
4. Upgrade Considerations
For information on the upgrade steps, see release-related steps in the Q2 Product Upgrade Guide.
5. System Performance
To view the batch jobs performance statistics for Q2 Origination without customizations under test conditions, see the Q2 Performance Benchmarking Guide.
6. New Features and Enhancements
This section briefly describes the new features and enhancements added in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
For a detailed description of the new features and enhancements, see the following guides published over the Q2 Customer Portal:
- Q2 Origination User Guide
- Q2 Origination Administration Guide
6.1 Financial Spreads (Jira ID: GD-4417, GD-4161, GD-4421))
Feature Description
Q2 Origination has been enhanced to support the following enhancements in Financial Spreads:
Ratios and Cashflows are now calculated based on the selection of the “Annualized values” check box.
A single PDF is generated across all the statement types. Users will now have an option to select statement periods and statement types before generating the document. The generated document is also be displayed against the account.
To improve readability of the statements printed/generated in PDF, system must exclude the rows that have “0” in Balance Sheet and Income Statement across all years.
6.2 Automate Adverse Action Reason Assignment (JIRA ID: GD-4082)
Feature Description
Adverse Action is a process (required by regulators) in which the FI communicates the reason for loan rejection. Adverse Action requires that the rejection reasons be articulated to the borrower in a written notice, along with the sources used to evaluate the borrower's ability to repay the debt and instructions on how the borrower can access the same information. We currently have the ability to configure standard rejection reasons (as Reason Codes) in Q2 Origination, as well as the ability to manually "assign" rejection reasons to an Application (via the Adverse Action UI).
Q2 Origination has been enhanced to support automated assignment of rejection reasons to enable straight-through (or straight-through-like) processing of rejected loan applications.
Automated rejection reason configuration is enabled by linking specific Rejection Reasons (i.e. Reason Codes) to Rules Criteria, Policy Conditions or Scorecard Criteria. To enable this level of automation, system administrators will now be able to associate specific Reason Code Definitions to applicable Scorecard Criteria records, Rule Criteria records, and Policy Definition records.
6.3 Adding Rate Adjustments to Loan Pricing (JIRA ID: GD-3902)
Feature Description
Prior to this release, Q2 Origination supports configuration of various rate cards where the FI can offer different combinations of "Base Rate + Margin”. The configuration also supports varying the interest rate across the loan term. Below is an example of a configuration that is supported in Rate Cards.
In addition to rate cards, FIs also add margins/rate adjustments over and above the interest rates from the pre-configured rate cards. Incorporating these margins within Q2 Origination’ s existing rate cards becomes very difficult when the number of such adjustments/margin are many.
This is very common in consumer lending where banks want to offer variations like preferential rates based on customer segment, when customer opts for auto debits, margins based on existing relationship value etc. These margins are additive in nature and are usually added to the “Index/Base Rate “derived from the preconfigured rate cards.
To support addition of these rate adjustments easily, Q2 Origination has been enhanced to provide a separate configuration where users can configure additional margins/rate adjustments based on application attributes. This will enable FIs to offer differential pricing to its customers based on different application attributes
6.4 Association of Fee with Equipment (JIRA ID: GD-3294)
Feature Description
Equipment, to be leased, can involve recurring charges like maintenance, insurance, service charges, software licenses, etc. These charges are often bundled with rental associated with the equipment to create one payment package. It plays a critical role for the lessor to be more competitive in the market. Q2 Origination has been enhanced such that fee in lease application can be associated with the equipment added on the lease application.
6.5 Account Payable Details for Fee(JIRA ID: GD-3427)
Feature Description
It is a common industry practice to disburse expense fee or income fee (pass-through) to third parties like vendor, dealer, supplier, or broker based on different kinds of fee defined in the system. For instance, fees like repair and replacement fee, transportation fee, legal fee, etc. are to be disbursed to third party. Prior to this release, there was no provision to capture the payment details against such expenses.
Q2 Origination has been enhanced such that fee in lease application can be associated with Payment Details for Income fee (Pass-through) and Expense fee. There is a provision to capture payment details like Pay-to account, Pay-to expense fee percentage, etc. for the fee added to the lease application.
6.6 Calculation Set to Derive Finance Amount (JIRA ID: GD-3520)
Feature Description
Different lessors have different ways of computing the financed amount in lease application (Q2 Origination). For instance, Hire Purchase product might not include VAT in financed amount whereas Finance Lease might.
Prior to this release, financed amount was calculated based on pre-defined formula that could not be configured for different product. With this release, calculation set can be configured and associated with product so that the financed amount can be calculated accordingly.
6.7 Payment Amount Computation based on Number of Advance Payments (JIRA ID: GD-4167)
Feature Description
Advance payment is a common business scenario in which lease payment is payable at the beginning of each payment period. When a lease contract is signed, the number of payments to be paid in advance could be 0, 1, 2, 3, or more. For instance, if the rental payment for a lease contract is $500 and two advance rentals are to be paid at the beginning of the contract then at the time of initiation of the lease contract, the lessee would have to pay $1,000 to the lessor.
Prior to this release, while creating a lease application, there was a provision to define payment structure with advance payment but there was no provision to know the payment amount at inception when the number of inception payments is provided.
Q2 Origination’s Manual Lease Pricing has been enhanced such that ‘Number of Advance Rentals’ and ‘Number of Remaining Rentals’ have been added. The values provided in the fields are passed to Lease Calculator to derive the Payment Amount. ‘Advance Payment Amount’ and ‘Payment Amount’ fields are also provided under Lease Pricing tab so that the lessor can view the calculated amount.
6.8 Fees under Lease Pricing for Rate-Card based Pricing (JIRA ID: GD-3222)
Feature Description
Prior to this release, for Rate Card based Lease Pricing, the defaulted fee was not available under Lease Pricing Tab. To add fee manually, user had to visit the Lease tab and then navigate to the Fee section. At the same time, the fee management process was not in sync with Manual Lease Pricing.
With this release, Fees as a subtab has been provided under Lease Pricing so that Fee defaulting, addition, update, and deletion process in rate card-based pricing is same as that in manual pricing.
7. Fixed Issues
For the issues fixed in a release, see the Post GA section of that release notes. For example, a fix released in a patch on the Summer release is listed in the Post GA section of the Summer RNs.
8. Known Issues
There are no known issues in the Summer’22 release of Q2 Origination.
9. New and Modified Objects
This section briefly describes the new and modified objects in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
For more details on the added and modified objects, see Q2 Origination Data Dictionaries Guide.
9.1 New Objects
The following table describes the objects added in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
Object Name | Field Name | Description |
Adjustment Rate | genesis__Adjustment_Rate__c | This object represents the adjustments mapped with the application for global usage. |
Application Fee Payment | genesis__Application_Fee_Payment__c | This object looks up to the Fee (Q2 Common) object. |
Legal Entity (Q2 Common) | ||
Rule Result (Q2 Common) | clcommon__Rule_Result__c | This object stores the data of RULE RESULT from the RULES API. |
Financial Spread Configuration | genesis__Financial_Spread_Configuration__c | This object allows user to create configuration for financial spreads. |
Financial Spread Details Configuration | genesis__Financial_Spread_Details_Configuration__c | This object allows user to create configuration for financial spread details. |
Product Calculation Set Association | genesis__Product_Calculation_Set_Association__c | This object acts as a junction between the Q2 product and calculation set objects. |
9.2 Modified Objects
The following table describes the objects modified in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
Object Name | Field Name | Description |
Adverse Action Application Junction | Active | This new field represents whether the record is active or not. |
Application Pricing Detail | Minimum Financed Amount | This new field represents the minimum financed amount that is supported for a pricing offer. |
Applications Scorecard | Adverse Action Reason | This new field stores the adverse action reason. |
Applications | Advance Payment Amount | This new field stores the advance payment amount. |
Applications | Application Properties | This new fields references to the application properties that holds the application related data specific to integrations. |
Applications | Number of Advance Payments | This new field stores the number of advance payments. |
Applications | Number of Remaining Payments | This new field stores the number of remaining payments. |
Applications | Total Capitalized Fee | This new field stores the total capitalized fee. |
Asset Information | Asset Information Properties | This new field references to the asset information properties that holds the asset information related data specific to integrations. |
Fee (Q2 Common) | Application Collateral | This new field stores the equipment details related to Fee. |
Fee (Q2 Common) | Application Fee Payment | This new field stores the payment details related to Fee. |
Credit Rating Matrix | Credit Rating Matrix Rule | This new field represents a look up to the rule object. |
Funding Transaction | Funding Transactions Properties | This new field references to the funding transactions properties that holds the funding transactions related data specific to integrations. |
Funding Transaction | Proceeds Paid To | This new field identifies the type of entity the disbursement proceeds are paid to. |
Identification Information | Country Code | This new field represents the country code of the issuance of the passport. |
Liability | Creditor s Address | This new field holds the creditor's address, required when debt consolidation is set as true. |
Liability | Estimated Pay Off Date | This new field determines the date on which the debt will be paid off. |
Liability | Liability Properties | This new field references to the liability properties that holds the liability related data specific to integrations. |
Org Parameters | Consolidate Parties with Same Account | If this new field is checked, a parent party is created for all the parties on an application with the same account. This parent party will hold all the information of all the child parties. |
Policy Condition Category Association | External Id | This new field indicates the external Id value. |
Policy Exception | Active | This new field indicates whether the policy condition is active or not. |
Policy Exception Definition | Adverse Action Reason | This new field looks up to the Reason Code Object. |
Policy Exception Definition | Portal Description | This new field stores a borrower-friendly description for a document category to be shown on the portal. |
Policy Exception Definition | Portal Title | This new field stores the title to be displayed for the document category on the portal. |
Rate Card Setup Detail | Adjustment | This new field determines whether this card detail is an Adjustment. |
Rate Card Setup Detail | Adjustment Description | This new field represents the Adjustment name/detail/description. |
Rate Card Setup Detail | Adjustment Rate | This new field represents the Adjustment percentage. |
Rate Card Setup Detail | Adjustment Term | This new field represents the term of Adjustment. |
Rate Card Setup Detail | Adjustment Unit | This new field represents the Adjustment units. |
Rate Schedule Setup | Adjustments | This new field represents the Adjustment value. |
Rate Schedule Setup | End Date | This new field represents the end date to calculate the Adjustments. |
10. New and Modified APIs
This section briefly describes the new and modified APIs in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
For more details on the added or modified APIs, see Q2 Origination REST APIs Guide.
10.1 New APIs
There are no APIs added in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
10.2 Modified APIs
There are no APIs modified in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
11. Global Methods
This section briefly describes the global methods that are added or modified in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
For more details on the added and modified global methods, see Q2 Origination Global Methods Guide.
11.1 New Global Methods
The following table describes the global methods added in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
Class Name | Global Method Name | Description |
APIFactory | getAdverseActionAPI | This method calls different adverse action API. |
AbstractAdverseActionAPI | setRuleSetIds | This method sets the Rule Set List to query the Rule Result Object. |
AbstractAdverseActionAPI | setRuleIds | This method sets the Rule List to query the Rule Result Object. |
AbstractAdverseActionAPI | assignAdverseAction | This method assigns the reason code to the Adverse Action Application Junction records. |
AbstractAdverseActionAPI | archiveAdverseAction | This method archives the Adverse Action Application Junction records. |
AbstractSaveAction | saveRecord | This method upserts the given record and returns the record. |
ApplicationUtil | getCalculationSet | This method first checks if for the given Q2 Product, there is a calculation set associated for the given calculationSetType. If not, it checks for the global calculationSet linked with the given calculationSetType. |
AutoAdverseActionAssignment | adverseActionAssign | This method assigns the adverse action reason code to application in case of REJECTED status. |
AutoArchiveAdverseAction | archiveAdverseAction | This method archives the adverse action application junction records. |
AutoPricingGenerator | generatePricing | This method generates the pricing for the given application and sets the Application Status to 'NEW - PRICING GENERATED'. Before calling this method, user needs to make sure that Rate Card configuration is properly done. |
AutoRateScheduleUpdate | updateRateSchedule | This method updates the selected Rate Schedule and Adjustments of an application if any update is made in the application. |
AutoScoreCardGenerator | generateScoreCard | This method generates the scorecard for the given application and sets the Application Status to 'NEW - SCORECARD GENERATED'. Before calling this method, user needs to make sure that Scorecard configuration is properly done. |
CreditRatingMatrixRuleManag ment | saveRule | This method updates the Credit_Rating_Matrix_Rule c (rule lookup) in the respective Credit_Rating_Matrix c record. |
FinancialStatementController | updateAnnualizeSelection | This method updates the annualize selection for the income type statement. |
PolicyConditionsAPIAction | getAssociatedDocumentCategories | This method returns a list of active document categories and its associations for a given policy condition id. |
PolicyConditionsAPIAction | getDocumentCategoriesByPolicyCondi tions | This method returns all the active document type policy conditions and its linked document categories for a given application id. The document category attachment association records are also returned with document categories. |
AbstractSaveAction | saveRecord | This method upserts the given record and returns the record. |
ComputeDebtToIncomeRatio | invokeDTICalculation | This method calculates the debt to income ratio for application and party. |
11.2 Modified Global Methods
There are no Global Methods modified in the Platinum release of Q2 Origination.
12. Post GA Release
Follow this section for the details on the issues fixed in the patches on the Platinum release.
12.1 Issue fixed in the March 15, 2024, patch
12.1.1 An error is displayed while uploading a file (Jira ID: PDRFF-2799, GD-8252)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following version:
CL Common: Platinum (3.6003.33)
Issue Description
While uploading a file to a document category containing over 200 files, the following error is displayed:
Aggregate query has too many rows for direct assignment, use FOR loop.
This issue is fixed now, and files are now successfully uploading.
12.2 Issue fixed in the February 16, 2024 patch
12.2.1 An error is displayed while updating the contact details (Jira ID: PDRFF-2806, GD-8237)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following version:
Q2 Origination: Platinum (3.6004.23)
Issue Description
While updating the contact details, the following error is displayed:
genesis.ContactTrigger: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded
This issue is fixed by adding a filter to the application query in the Contact and Account triggers.
The system now only queries the applications that do not have a closed status, as per the values provided in the Closed Status field within the Q2 Origination's Org Parameters Custom Settings.
12.3 Issue fixed in the January 31, 2024 patch
12.3.1 An error is displayed while creating or viewing a Dynamic Query (Jira ID: PDRFF-2324, PD-1701)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following version:
CL Common: Platinum (3.6003.32)
Issue Description
While creating or viewing a Dynamic Query within a Salesforce org containing more than 1000 objects, the following error is displayed:
Collection size 1,005 exceeds maximum size of 1,000.
This issue is fixed as no error is displayed while creating or viewing a Dynamic Query.
12.4 Issues fixed in the July 31, 2023 patch
12.4.1 While adding a fee to an application, the Fee Definition values are not updating correctly (Jira ID: PDRFF-2211/GD-7649/GD-7663)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination: Platinum (3.6004.22)
CL Originate Skuid Extension: Platinum (3.6004.9)
Issue Description
When a fee is added to an application, the added fee is not inheriting the values from the fee definition associated with it.
Let us understand the issue with the following example:
Create a Fee Definition with one the following fee types:
One Time
Now, in the Fee Definition mark the following fields as true:
Include in Dues
Include in APR
Add the created fee in an existing application by selecting the available fee definitions and click Apply Charge.
The field values for which the Fee Definition was marked as true, is reflecting as false during the fee addition.
This issue is fixed as now the application is inheriting equivalent correct values from the Fee Definition.
12.5 Issues fixed in the December 30, 2022 patch
12.5.1 Unlocking is not happening for the related list (Jira ID: GD-6972)
Fixed Version
This issue has been fixed in the following versions:
Q2 Origination (3.6004.21)
CL Originate Skuid Extension (3.6004.8)
CL Common (3.6005.20)
Issue Description
If the customer is using an API to unlock the Application, the related lists of objects are still locked and not getting unlocked.
This issue is fixed.
12.6 Issues fixed in the July 25, 2022 patch
12.6.1 Getting Attempt to de-reference a null object error in Application Snapshot page on click of View button (Jira ID: GD-6784/PDRFF-1149)
Issue Description
After editing the dynamic query to capture the Application Snapshot manually, when the user clicks on the View option to view the snapshot that is captured manually, the system is throwing the following error:
“Attempt to de-reference a null object”
While comparing two snapshots, after selecting the snapshot to be compared, when the user clicks the Compare button, the system is throwing the following error:
“Attempt to de-reference a null object”
This issue is fixed.
12.7 Issues fixed in the June 21, 2022 patch
12.7.1 Platinum – Change version of apex.js and connection.js to latest Salesforce versions (at least 50+) (Jira ID: GD-6659)
Issue Description
Salesforce is retiring API version up to 20 by March 2022 and 21-30 by March 2023.
Hence, all the js files that use Ajax toolkit (apex.js and connection.js) should start using the latest versions. The application needs to be upgraded to use the latest API version that is 54.0.
12.8 Issues fixed in the April 15, 2022 patch
12.8.1 Unable to lock applications for any edits using the Global API call. (Jira ID: GD-6463/PD- 933)
Issue Description
To ensure data integrity during and after the application approval process, financial institutions prefer to lock applications for any edits. When they are executing the Global API to lock the application, they are getting “clcommon: Too many DML statements:151” error and cannot lock the application.
12.9 Issues fixed in the February 15, 2022 patch
12.9.1 CL – Not Able to Generate Finance Statement Document (Jira ID: GD-6088)
Issue Description
While generating the pdf for financial statement, the system is throwing an error “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘_calcWidth’)” for the following conditions:
Select Statement Type: All selected
Select Statement Year: Any of the year is selected
This issue is fixed.
12.10 Issues fixed in the January 15, 2022 patches
12.10.1 Validation Error Message is Not Coming on User Screen (Jira ID: GD-6000)
Issue Description
While keying the values in a Balance Sheet/Income statement, the validation message appears in a yellow highlighted text box for a fraction of a second only once and then disappears.
To see the message again, the page needs to be reloaded, or the zoom level needs to be changed for that page.
This issue is fixed.
12.10.2 Platinum Release - Rounding Off Logic is Changed for Financial Template (Jira ID: GD- 5973)
Issue Description
While rounding off a decimal number, the rounding off logic works differently for the financial statements in Platinum than it used to work in other releases.
For example, the same number 1.20483333333333 is rounding off to 1.20 in Lithium and 1.21 in Platinum.
12.11 Issues fixed in the October 30, 2021 patch
12.11.1 Platinum Patch - Subfolders Are Not Getting Created for Parties (Guarantor, Co- Borrower) in Both QA & UAT (Jira ID: GD-5457)
Issue Description
On adding parties to a loan application, document categories are not getting created for those parties on the application dashboard and the Documents tab.
When the first party is added, document categories are created for the same party. Subsequently, when more parties (Guarantor/Co-Borrower) are added, the document categories are not created for them.
This issue is occurring when the document definition rules have the IN operator selected.
This issue is fixed.
Now, when a party is added, and if it satisfies the configured document definition rules, then the defined document category will be created for them.
12.12 Issues fixed in the September 15, 2021 patch
12.12.1 Scroll Bar is Not Working on Clicking Move to Previous Department in the Task List (Jira ID: GD-4935)
Issue Description
When the Move to Previous Department option is clicked, the Department List table is not scrollable, and all the departments are not displayed.
This issue is fixed.
12.13 Issues fixed in the July 30, 2021 patches
12.13.1 In Questionnaire Window, Cursor Disappears, Making Difficulty in Typing in the Text Boxes (Jira ID: GD-3548)
Issue Description
In the Questionnaire window, while keying in the details, the cursor disappears intermittently, making it difficult for the user to input the details.
This issue is fixed. The cursor stays on the text fields and only goes away or the data is saved when the user clicks outside the text fields.
12.13.2 Added Periodic Fees are Not Being Reflected in the 1) Amortization Schedule 2) CS Loan Documents (Jira ID: GD-4759)
Issue Description
The fee schedule is not working as expected. Irrespective of whether the Include In EMI check box is selected or not, the fee amount is added to the payment and is reflected on the Payment Schedule page.
On changing the payment Frequency of Fee, the outstanding principal balance is also getting changed.
When a periodic fee is added, verbiage needs to be added in the business loan agreement (BLA) that outlines the type of fee, the amount of the fee, and the fee’s due date.
This issue is fixed.
If Include In EMI is true, the fee amount is added to the payment schedule. To include all the associated fees in the payment schedule when the Include In EMI flag is true, frequency, and start date must be the same for all the fees, and the Fee Calculation Method to be Fixed.
12.13.3 Inconsistency in Amortization Schedule on Adding Bank Hours/Holiday (Jira ID: GD- 4497)
Issue Description
When bank hours/holidays are added to the amortization schedule, there is an issue in generating the amortization schedule. The amortization schedule is not considering the bank hours/holiday. Random/inconsistent due dates are being displayed in the amortization schedule.
For example, if Friday is set as a holiday, the dates falling on Friday should not be displayed as the due date in the amortization schedule.
This issue is fixed. The time zone of the user and the bank hour should be the same.
12.13.4 Tagging of Users in Team Communication (Jira ID: GD-4752)
Issue Description
A user working on the application should be able to tag any Salesforce user to Team Communication without adding them as team members.
This issue is fixed. Any Salesforce user can be tagged in Team Communication except the AutomatedProcess UserType.
12.14 Issues fixed in the July 15, 2021 patches
12.14.1 Display Adjustments in the Selected Offer (Jira ID: GD-4697)
Issue Description
The Adjustments section is not displayed on the Pricing page after the pricing offer is selected. If Adjustments is selected for the application, it should be displayed below the Rate Schedule on the Pricing page.
This issue is fixed.
12.14.2 When Delete Sections in Questionnaire, they are Not Getting Auto Numbered (Jira ID: GD-4644)
Issue Description
If a questionnaire is having more than one section, and a section is deleted, the remaining sections are not getting re-numbered. For example, if section 2 is deleted, then section 3 should be numbered as section 2.
On adding a new section to the questionnaire, the new section is taking the number of the last section. For example, if three sections are configured for a questionnaire, and a fourth section is added, the number of fourth section should be section 4 rather than section 3.
This issue is fixed.
12.14.3 Employment and Income Options Not Present When Consolidate Parties with Same Account: Enabled (Jira ID: GD-4696)
Issue Description
If the Consolidate Parties with Same Account check box is selected in Custom Settings, the Employment and Income option is not displayed for Individual parties on the Parties page.
This issue is fixed.
13. Change Record
S.No | Change Date | Description of Change |
1 | July 2021 | Published the release notes for the Platinum General Availability release (3.6004). |
2 | July 15, 2021 | Published release notes for section 12.14 |
3 | July 30, 2021 | Published release notes for section 12.13 |
4 | September 15, 2021 | Published release notes for section 12.12 |
5 | October 30, 2021 | Published release notes for section 12.11 |
6 | January 15, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.10 |
7 | February 15, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.9 |
8 | April 15, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.8 |
9 | June 21, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.7 |
10 | July 25, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.6 |
11 |
December 30, 2022 | Published release notes for section 12.5 |
12 | July 31, 2023 | Published release notes for section 12.4 |
13 | January 31, 2024 | Published release notes for section 12.3 |
14 | February 16, 2024 | Published release notes for section 12.2 |
15 | March 15, 2024 | Published release notes for section 12.1 |