Add a questionnaire
A questionnaire is a framework that consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a user. The questionnaire can typically be a mix of close-ended and open-ended questions. The questionnaire helps gather information about a party (borrower, co-borrower, guarantor, and so on) or collateral as a part of the loan or lease origination process.
For example, a bank may perform necessary environmental due diligence while lending against a real estate property. For which an environmental questionnaire can be created to capture various details about a property to identify any known environmental risks. Based on the responses to the environmental questionnaire, the credit officer can mark property collateral as environmental risk or not. If the property is identified as an environmental risk, further actions can be taken.
Add a questionnaire
In Q2 Origination, a questionnaire created on the Application object can be added to any application. Similarly, a questionnaire created on the Party object can be added to any party.
Before you proceed to add a questionnaire, ensure that the following prerequisite is met:
The questionnaire definition is defined.
To define a questionnaire, see the Questionnaire Configuration section in the Q2 Origination User Guide.
To add a questionnaire:
Log in to your Salesforce account.
Go to (App Launcher) > Q2 Origination.
Perform one of the following steps depending on whether you want to add a questionnaire with an application, a party, or collateral:
Select Applications, and then select the required application.
Go to the required Party.
Go to the required Collateral.
To add a questionnaire with an application, select the required application and go to More > Questionnaire.
From the Questionnaire Name list, select the questionnaire to begin answering questions.
Expand the predefined sections and specify the required answers for the predefined questions.
Select .
On successful submission, a window appears with the message Submitted Successfully!.
An error message is displayed if all the required questions are not answered.
Select Okay.
To add a questionnaire with a party, select the required application and go to Parties > Questionnaire. Repeat the steps from 5 through 8.
To add a questionnaire with collateral, select the required application and go to Collateral > Questionnaire. Repeat the steps from 5 through 8.
This example describes the creation of a questionnaire Environmental Inquiry to determine whether a property is an environmental risk or not.
Based on the responses to this environmental questionnaire, the credit officer marks whether the property is an environmental risk.
The Environmental Inquiry questionnaire is created with the following two questions:
Question 1: The Answer Type for this question is defined as a picklist, so the users can select any of the given options; Yes/No.
Each answer has a score attached to it. So, the option Yes adds 1 to the total score of the questionnaire.Question 2: This question is displayed only when the display condition of Question 1 is satisfied; that is, the response of Question 1 is Yes.
On the application dashboard, go to More > Questionnaire, and then select the Environmental Inquiry questionnaire. If you choose Yes to the question defined in the Investigation by local agency section, the display condition associated with the question is satisfied, and you need to answer the question associated with the display condition as highlighted in the following image: